Page 50 of Behind the Curtain

“I don’t give a damn what they think. That’s the difference between you and me.”

She gave him an admonishing glance and laughed. He frowned, clearly surprised by her gentle sarcasm.

“Please. We all care what our parents think about us. I know how much you want their approval.”

“I’d introduce you to them tomorrow,” he stated unequivocally.

“I believe you would,” she shot back, her spine straightening. “They hurt you as a matter of course, so you hurt them back.”

“They’d have no business being hurt just because I want to see a gorgeous, smart, talented, incredible woman that I like being with. A lot.”

She started to speak but then just made a frustrated sound. She smiled and shook her head, knowing when she’d been beat. “I can’t talk to you about this. Especially when you throw sweet things like that into the argument.”

He leaned toward her. “Is that what we were doing? Arguing?”

“Weren’t we?”

“I don’t want to fight with you. Our time together is too rare for that.”

Her smile faded. “I don’t want to fight either,” she whispered feelingly. He placed his opened hand on the side of her head, tilting her face fully toward his. He leaned toward her, and she felt his intensity.

“This place.” He nodded out at the still lake and the deep woods that protected it. “This is our place. When we’re together, it’s our world.”

“Yes,” she whispered fervently. “You’re right. It is.”

His mouth covered hers.

Here was the truth, right in front of her, burning her. Laila realized for certain she had a whole new, thrilling, amazing, scary world to deal with.

• • •

After she reluctantly left Asher on that golden afternoon that would forever be stamped in her memory, she went to Crescent Bay South beach to meet up with Tahi and Zara. Predictably, Jimmy and Rudy were there too. She saw Tahi, Rudy and Jimmy straddling a paddleboard and bobbing up and down in the rough surf, laughing as they tried to stay afloat. They all looked happy and sun-kissed, each as golden brown as the next. She went to the edge of the lake and waved at them. They waved back.

“Where’s Zara?” she called.

She saw Tahi’s sardonic expression as she gripped the board and rolled her hips with the waves. “With Eric,” she shouted. “Somewhere.”

“We better find her. We’ve got to get back.”

The three of them came to shore. Rudy said that Eric and Zara were probably in the car in the parking lot.

“Who’s going to look for them?” Rudy asked amusedly.

“I’m not,” Tahi stated flatly. “I’ve already seen way more than I ever wanted to when they’re making out here on the beach.” She gave Laila a conspiratorial glance. “I say making out loosely. It’s actually like watching them have sex with their swimsuits on.” She made a disgusted face. “So gross. Oh, guess what? The guys asked us over to Asher’s again tonight. We were thinking of grilling out by the pool again, and then going over to that country-western place off Silver Dune Drive. Rudy and I are going to kill it on the dance floor,” she drawled teasingly, reaching for Rudy’s hand. The two of them did a surprisingly skilled little two-step in the sand. “You up for it, Laila?”

She and Asher had already discussed the possibility of them being able to see each other tonight. Her father and uncles were coming on Thursday this week instead of Friday. On Wednesday, there was always the chance her mom would ask Laila to help prepare dishes for their arrival, so she might not be able to get away then. Tonight was the best opportunity.

“We can probably get away,” Laila said. “But I can’t really promise . . .”

At that moment, she spotted Zara and Eric walking toward them. Her heart dipped in her chest. Zara’s gait was wobbly. Eric was practically holding her up with his arm around her waist. Her cousin wasn’t going to be going anywhere tonight. Which meant none of them would be. Zara certainly wouldn’t be driving them to a meeting with Asher and his friends. As her cousin got closer, Laila saw the wildness of Zara’s hair, the glassiness of her hazel eyes and her lopsided grin.

“What have you been giving her?” Tahi asked Eric angrily when they approached.

“Nothing controversial. Just some good old-fashioned Scotch,” Eric replied g


“Yeah, Glenlibbet. Glen . . . libbet,” Zara tried again, bursting into laughter at her uncooperative mouth.