Page 107 of Explosive

He leaned down and kissed her when he saw the expression on her face.

“’Course, my unconscious mind’s plan didn’t work too well,” he muttered darkly.

“Sherm would die if he knew that he’d inadvertently led Newt Garnier here by using your phone. I’m so glad you agree that we shouldn’t tell him,” Sophie said.

He agreed one hundred percent, so he didn’t respond. He shifted his hips, stimulating his sated cock in her tight sheath. She must have sensed his slight puzzlement.

“What?” she whispered through a smile as she pushed his bangs off his forehead and, as usual, they fell forward once again.

“You know ...” he murmured thoughtfully, “I could never figure it out, why I wanted to fill you up with my come all the time. It’s kind of strange, huh?”

“Is it?” Sophie asked. They both blinked when they heard a distant splash from the direction of the lake and then Sheila’s laughter.

“For me it is. You know what I think?”

“I think you’re wishing Andy and Sheila would go,” she replied, giving him an amused, quelling glance. “But, Tom, we can’t say anything, and you know it. And next weekend, remember that we invited Iris and Kelly to come and visit. A weekend here at Haven Lake will do them a world of good. I’m so glad you’re maintaining your relationship with your mother, despite it all. So please don’t pull anything like dragging me off to bed in the middle of lunch while she’s here—”

“I think I’ve been trying—against all the odds,” Thomas continued as though she’d never spoken, “to put a baby in you.”

She blinked at his matter-of-fact admission.

He grinned broadly.

He supposed he could understand Sophie’s surprise. He’d been thinking about it a lot lately—he’d even been talking about it with Dr. Cassetti—while this was all news to her.

It’d been hell, dealing with all the loss. All the betrayal. But Sophie had entered his life, and she shone like a beacon in all the darkness.

Her fingers froze in his hair. He grimaced in pleasure when he felt her vagina tighten around him.

“I’m completely serious,” he said, when she glanced up at him searchingly, her eyes like dark, deep pools. He felt himself sinking into them. He loved Sophie’s smile, and he adored the end of her nose, and he worshipped her breasts . . . but her eyes were sacred to him. “It goes beyond wanting to mark you. I honestly ...”

“What?” she asked when he shook his head and grinned even wider.

“I’ve never even begun to feel this way about another woman,” he confessed quietly.

After a moment, her fingers began running through his hair again.

“If you’re really serious about that baby thing, you’ll have to marry me, Tom,” she murmured in such a flippant manner that he knew she wasn’t sure if she should take him seriously or not.

He caught her chin and tilted it up, urging her to meet his gaze. Her body went entirely still. He leaned down.

“Name the day, Sophie,” he said gruffly near her parted lips. “Name the day.”