Page 104 of Explosive

“I don’t know,” he said, and she knew the incredulous query hadn’t faded from her expression. He sighed and threw up his hands in a helpless gesture.

“It’s okay, Thomas,” she whispered when she saw his bewilderment.

His gaze sharpened on her. “What’s okay?”

She swallowed thickly and tried to infuse her voice with a measure of firmness she was far from feeling.

“It’s okay. I’m . . . I’m glad I was here for you, when you needed it. I’m so thankful that you’re on the mend. Andy told me that you’d been seeing a friend of his, Dr. Cassetti?”

“Yeah,” he replied gruffly. “He’s a good guy.”

Sophie smiled tremulously. “I want you to know that I don’t regret it. Not any of it.”

His expression turned wary. “What do you mean by that—that you don’t regret it?” he asked slowly.

“I know that what happened between us was a . . . a sort of side effect of your trauma. You needed an outlet for all the volatile emotions you were experiencing, emotions you couldn’t put a name to. You found an outlet for your anguish by . . . by—”

“Fucking you like an animal, again and again?” he supplied quietly when she floundered.

She flushed with heat at his graphic language. His eyes looked hot as he studied her, but Sophie still couldn’t entirely comprehend where he was coming from.

Or what he was feeling.


“Yes?” she whispered when he stepped close. Close enough for the fabric of his dress shirt to just touch the fabric over her breasts. Close enough for her to sense the coiled strength of his muscles and the hardness at his groin.

“If your theory about why I wanted you so much before were true, then it wouldn’t make much sense for me to want you even more right this minute, would it?”

She stared up at him, her breath stuck in her lungs. She shook her head.

He joined her, shaking his head as well.

“Because I do. I want you even more than before. I’m going to take you back to your bedroom in a second and show you firsthand just how much. So the thing of it is,” he muttered, his rough tone highly at odds with the deliberate gentleness with which he caressed her jaw and cheek, “there must have been some other reason that even when I was losing it, I trusted you with that tape; why later, I trusted you with all of me while I was falling apart. There must be some other reason that I sought you out, some other cause for why I can’t get enough of you or why I’ve gone nearly as nuts for the past three weeks, being away from you,” he murmured through lips that tilted with amusement.

Sophie blinked the tears out of her eyes, determined that he not see her vulnerable. “You were in the midst of a trauma reaction, Thomas. Don’t feel like you have to say these things.”

He paused in caressing her. His mouth settled into a grim line.

“I don’t feel like I have to say anything.” He suddenly pulled her tightly against him, making her hyperaware of his hard, masculine length. “Don’t even try to do it, Sophie.”

“What?” she asked, confused by his hard tone.

“I have all of my memories back. I remember everything. Well, almost all of it.”

“What’s that supposed to mea—”

“I remember you specifically telling me that you were falling for me. Are you going to deny it?” he interrupted, green eyes flashing. Sophie cried out in surprise when he suddenly lifted her into his arms.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked him as he headed down the hallway.

“I’ll make you tell me again. I have my methods,” he said determinedly.

She laughed even though tears wet her cheek—tears of joy, at knowing he didn’t regret seeking her out in the midst of his anguish and pain.

“As if I could ever deny a force of nature like you,” she said against his neck.

He paused next to her bed and urged her head back so that he could look into her eyes. When she saw his expression, her smile faded.