“Now’s not the time,” Dylan cut her off. He stepped closer, and she could feel his body heat penetrate her T-shirt and the fullness behind his fly. She pressed against him, stifling a whimper as need roared into her awareness.

“What’s it time for?” she asked. He dipped his head and she lifted her chin. Her provocative question was a cover for the sudden stab of fear that went though her. Dylan was right. She didn’t want to talk about Lynn Durand right now.

“I think you know,” he said, the slant of his mouth grim. His hands lowered to her short-covered ass. He cupped her buttocks. He shifted her, bending his knees, sliding his cock between the juncture of her thighs. “I worried about you all day.”

“I’m sorry. I was fine,” she whispered after a peal of thunder had quieted. The shine of his eyes in the darkened room was making her shiver, but this time not in fear. He moved his hands, cradling her jaw. It sent a thrill through her when he did that, his large hands holding her securely. He lifted her face further.

“Prove it to me, Alice. Prove to me you’re fine,” he rasped before he seized her mouth with his.

Her hands rose to his head, her fingers digging into his hair. Her hunger sprung at her with fierce claws, powerful and rampant. Had it really only been a matter of hours since she’d last held him in her arms?

He began to undress her a moment later, even as they continued to crane for each other, their kiss voracious. They only broke apart reluctantly after he’d removed her shirt and bra, and shoved her shorts down over her hips. Alice stepped out of her sandals, and helped Dylan get the garments down her legs. No sooner had she freed herself of her clothes than he was reaching for her, his mouth hard and slanted with arousal.

“Come here,” he mumbled gruffly, turning her firmly in his arms. He pressed her against him, her naked body to his clothed one, her back to his front. His hands moved over her belly and hips, pushing her closer. Despite the rush of heat that went through her, her skin pebbled in the cool, air-conditioned room and beneath his hot touch. His hands moved greedily, sliding against her overly sensitive skin, molding her hips, waist, and breasts into the curve of his palms. She sensed his barely controlled hunger, a simmering sexual desire that was spiked with a dark, glorious intensity of emotion Alice could feel, even if she couldn’t fathom entirely. His mouth pressed against her neck. She shivered uncontrollably as rain began to crash against the terrace and eave outside and lightning lit up the dark room. His long body curved around her, his cock pressing against the tops of her buttocks and lower back. One hand cupped a breast, the other slid along her pelvis and thigh. He bit at her shoulder.

“Dylan,” she moaned shakily, trying to turn in his arms, seeking the mindless rapture of his kiss. The hand on her thigh held her in place, however, and then opened between her thighs. She gasped at this new restraint. He covered her entire sex, applying a sweet pressure at the same time he ground his cock against her.

“I don’t like you being down at that camp, Alice. I can’t control what happens to you,” he said near her ear, his voice a low, rich seduction.

“You can’t control what happens every second of my day,” she whimpered, because he was kissing and nibbling at her ear, molding her breast to his palm, and applying an eye-crossing pressure to her sex, and it all felt so hot and delicious.

“Maybe not,” he rasped. “But right now I can.”

He shifted his hand slightly, sending the ridge of his forefinger between her labia. He grunted and kissed her ear more forcefully as he rubbed her slick clit. She cried out shakily at the burn.

“That’s so good, baby, so hot and wet,” he hissed in her ear. “Come over here.” He backed up, and she followed his lead. He fell onto the couch, pulling her with him. A surprised yelp flew out of her mouth when she plopped down into his lap. Before she’d recovered from the drop, he put his hands on her naked hips and began circling her against his cock.

Alice moaned, surrendering to the moment. She arched her back and let him grind her against him, joining in the subtle, erotic dance. Lightning lit up the room and thunder rent the night sky. Electricity zipped through her veins and tingled her skin. Dylan’s large hands cupped her ass and he groaned roughly.

“Stand up for just a second,” she heard him say through the pounding rain. She slid between his spread thighs at his urging, her feet finding the carpet. She sensed him rustling behind her, and knew he was unfastening his jeans.

“No, stay still. Keep your feet on the floor,” he bit out when she started to straighten and turn toward him. And then his hands were on her hips again, and he was pulling her back toward his lap. “Sit back on me,” he directed tensely. He wrapped his arm around her waist and slid forward on the couch. Then she felt his hand moving between their bodies and the brush of his cockhead against her sex.

She whimpered shakily as he lowered her on him, and his cock slowly carved its way into her pussy. When she finally sat in his lap, his cock throbbing high inside of her, he tightened his hold on her, his lips and teeth moving along her shoulder blade, firing her already prickling nerves.

“Now I can control you, Alice,” she heard him say darkly through the roar of the rain.

And it was true, she thought through a haze of thick desire. He could do whatever he wanted to her, in that moment, and she would have begged him for more.

He slid one hand along her lower spine, urging her to bend forward. The feeling of fullness and pressure only amplified. She placed her hands on his hard thighs to steady herself. At his urging, she started to move. He lifted her and pushed her back on his cock with his strong arms, but Alice was an equal, eager participant. She’d never made love in this position before, but instinctively understood the necessary motion. She stood on the floor, her knees bent, flexing her thighs for an up-and-down motion over his lap.

It felt exciting and lewd, her vulnerability and nakedness highlighted by the position and the frequent illumination of the room from the lightning. Dylan held her hips possessively, plunging her forcefully onto his cock. His rough groan entwined with the thunder and rain, and the sound of their bodies crashing together in a primal tempo. The friction was intense. Ideal. She burned everywhere: the tips of her heaving breasts, beneath Dylan’s forceful hands, along her flexing, straining thighs … all around his thrusting, demanding cock.

She craved release. She reached for it, the crash of their bodies and roar of the rain a wild cacophony in her ears. The burn in her rapidly flexing thighs segued to an almost unbearable pain. She let out a desperate cry at the discomfort, but never ceased her hopping in his lap, too drunk from the pleasure.

He must have heard her pain, however, because he slammed her down onto his cock and kept her in place in his lap.

“Shhh,” he growled when she made a mewling, desperate sound. His hand reached between her thighs. He found her clit, rubbing and tapping at the sensitive flesh.

She lit up like a Roman candle, pleasure shuddering through her.

She came back to herself with the sensation of him lifting and lowering her tensely in his lap, piercing her with short, sharp jabs. It didn’t take him long. He plunged her onto his lap, his fingers delving in her hips and buttocks.

“This is where I want you, Alice,” he grated out. Her eyes sprang wide as she felt his cock swell huge in her. “I’m never going to be happy when you wander too far away.”

She stared out onto the storm-tossed terrace and yard, not really seeing. Only feeling as his cock twitched inside her, and she felt his warm semen filling her. His rough groans of pleasure filled her ears. But in her head, she kept hearing his words echo again and again, like they’d been scored into her spirit.

AFTER the monumental tension had left his body, and he sagged back on the couch, Alice rose over him. She stood and turned, and he reached for her.