“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about that,” she began, knowing it was time to at least come clean about her affair with Dylan Fall to her roommate, if not the other bewildering stuff she’d learned yesterday. Alice couldn’t begin to imagine trying to explain that story to another person.

Someone called out. Three other counselors approached, carrying armfuls of wood.

“I’ll explain it to you the first chance we get,” Alice promised hurriedly. “But Kuvi? You’ve got to promise not to tell a soul when I do.”

Kuvi nodded earnestly, her gaze concerned. The other counselors approached, halting their conversation.

THAT night, they got the bonfire going at dusk, and the campers and staff all gathered together on the beach, lounging, sipping sodas, talking, and roasting marshmallows for s’mores. The night staff was already there. They’d go later tonight, because of the bonfire. At the end, the night staff would take over immediate supervision of the kids. She’d already explained to Dylan that she’d be later tonight than usual.

As the colorful, gorgeous sunset faded, Alice saw heat lightning flickering in the western sky. It only added to the excited ambience of the night. The crowd was anxious to hear about the team point totals. Everyone was directed to take a seat on the beach. Alice and Judith organized the Red Team around them. Sebastian Kehoe himself was going to be announcing the team point count after a week of camp. There was a lot of anticipation in the air.

As Kehoe talked in a booming voice from where he stood near the roaring bonfire, darkness fell around them. Alice and her kids were seated near the outer edge of the ring, facing the lake and the bonfire, their backs to the woods. The reach of the bonfire light was weaker where they sat huddled together. Lightning lit up the southwestern sky again, illuminating the outline of huge thunder-heads. Electricity seemed to charge the air, making her forearms prickle.

Kehoe began to announce the point counts for each team, but Alice was distracted. The back of her neck prickled. She glanced around, peering at the dark tree line in the distance. A shiver tore through her. Those were the woods. They weren’t far from the spot where Addie Durand had been taken.

Where Dylan had been stabbed.

She shuddered.

“You okay?”

She blinked, focusing on Judith’s face cast in dim firelight.

“Yeah. Just caught a chill,” Alice replied softly. “What do you think? Do we stand a chance?” she asked, nodding toward Kehoe.

“It’s going to be rough,” Judith said. “Thad’s team is miles ahead of everyone else’s so far.”

“I don’t know. It might be close,” Alice whispered.

“You’re right. The Red Team’s got a good chance,” Judith muttered intently, sitting up taller and craning to hear Kehoe. Alice repressed a smile. It was the first peaceful conversation she’d ever had with the girl. It was nice, hearing Judith take ownership of the Red Team.

Despite her thoughts, she again was distracted by the woods behind her. She stared over her shoulder, trying to tease the shadows apart. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

“God, he saved us for last,” Judith said miserably a moment later, biting at a thumbnail.

“The Red Team,” Kehoe called out. “Team counselor Alice Reed and team leader Judith Arnold: a grand total for week one of six hundred and forty-seven points.”

Alice startled at the explosion of shrieks and shouts of triumph coming from all of her kids. They’d beat Thad’s Orange Team by two points!

Maybe I got here under suspicious cir

cumstances, but I’m not doing half bad.

She couldn’t believe it. Laughing, she shared an impulsive hug with Darcy and then Judith.

“Not losers now, huh?” she said quietly near Judith’s ear. Judith gave her a sharp glance when they parted, but her happiness was clearly too big for cattiness at that moment. She grinned full-out instead.

“Who ever said we were?” she asked with fake innocence.

“No one, of course,” Alice replied, clapping and whooping for her kids.

AFTER everyone had settled down, one of the Kehoe managers stood and said it was a tradition at the bonfires to tell ghost stories. She announced that the kids could earn public speaking points for their team if they volunteered.

“And we’ve got a good night for it,” the manager said, waving significantly at the southwestern sky where lightning smoldered among the clouds. “Any volunteers?”

Matt Dinorio, who sat next to Judith, raised his hand and waved it strenuously. The manager called his name. A prickle of trepidation went through Alice. Suddenly, the little details of Matt’s ghost story leaped out at her, taking on new life and meaning.

I can tell you one ghost story about Camp Durand that’s real … that one about the mother who haunts the woods and the castle because her baby was killed in there, and she wanders around looking for her … I’m telling you, it’s true! … I told one of my teachers about it after I heard the story last year, and Mr. Glyer said he did remember something about that happening years ago, right here at Camp Durand. It was all over the news.