Page 15 of Holiday Bound

d as he unfastened her bra, his movements perfunctory and quick. He regretfully broke their heated kiss while he tossed the flimsy garment aside. For a moment, he just stared at her bare breasts as they rose and fell with her panting breath. When he let go of her wrists and put both of his hands on her breasts, she stopped breathing altogether. He squeezed gently and watched as the delicate, pink-tipped nipples poked up between his thumb and forefinger. They grew even more erect before his eyes.

“I knew you’d fit my hands perfectly. I knew it,” he mumbled, entranced.

He plumped her abundant, firm flesh even further and then slowly, taking his time, leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth. He closed his eyes and sucked on the sweetest flesh imaginable. First one nipple, then the other. He couldn’t get enough of her. He thought his cock would burst, he was so aroused, but he couldn’t stop lashing her tight nipples with his tongue, relishing every tiny bump, every nuance of flavor. Overcome by lust, he buried his face between Angeline’s soft, firm globes and pressed them together. He nuzzled the satiny skin with his nose and lips. His fingers played with her damp, responsive nipples until he couldn’t take their absence on his tongue a second longer, and he inserted a turgid crest between his lips.

By slow degrees, Angeline’s wild whimpers and desperate writhing beneath him penetrated his lust-thickened brain. She stroked his shoulders and back, as though she couldn’t get enough of the sensation of him. The knowledge made him a little crazy. He needed to take control of this situation or he was going to fuck her like a crazed degenerate and have to live with the regret of not savoring Angeline Kastakis when he had the opportunity.

He leaned up and grasped both her wrists in his hands. She watched him, panting lightly as he placed her palms on the outer curves of her breasts.

“You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen. Hold them up for me.”

She hesitated for a second, but she must have sensed his determination, because she plumped her breasts from below. His nostrils flared as he stared down at the tempting sight she made, her dark hair spread on the white pillowcase, her lips red and swollen from his ravaging kiss, her naked, flawless skin, her hands on her breasts…offering herself to him.

“Now push them closer together,” he ordered.

When she did, he leaned down and tongued one rosy, stiff nipple until she moaned. He turned his head only slightly, since she’d presented herself so conveniently, and slipped the other nipple into his mouth.

He opened his eyes. Their gazes held as he suckled her breast and lashed her nipple with his tongue. A feral lust overcame him. He didn’t want to stop, but he also wanted more of her. He ran his hands down her sides, glorying in the satiny flow of her skin. He encircled her narrow waist with both hands and she pushed her pussy against his cock again, rubbing herself against him like a cat in heat. He swatted the side of her jean-covered ass with his open palm and she froze.

“Don’t try my patience, beautiful, or you’ll get more. On your bare ass.”

He figured, from the dazed expression on her face, he’d gotten his point across for the time being. And wasn’t it going to be a pleasure to show her the consequences for teasing him when he was about to fuck her so hard her ears would ring for weeks?

He sucked on her gorgeous breasts and familiarized his hands with every inch of her naked skin until his aching cock forced him to lift his head. Her huge eyes gleamed with excitement, but there was a touch of wariness in her gaze as he knelt over her body.

He ripped at the fly of his jeans and shoved both them and his underwear down to his thighs. His cock fell free, feeling heavy and ponderous. He rolled onto his back in order to kick off the remainder of his clothes. When he straddled her again, she stared fixedly at his erection.

Her hands started to slide off her breasts and she began to sit forward…her lips parted hungrily.

“Uh-uh,” he muttered as he grasped her shoulders. He’d have to be an idiot not to read the intent in her eyes, and brain-dead to refuse the offer. But Alex was straining to find a measure of control, and Angeline’s lush mouth was a sure means of losing it at that moment. “Not now, Angeline. Put your hands back on your breasts.”

Her gaze flickered up to his face uncertainly and then fell again to his cock. She licked her lower lip regretfully before she offered her plump breasts again. She made a sound of surprise when he pressed the head of his cock between her breasts.

“Let me in, Angeline,” he said tensely, his gaze fixed on the crevice between soft, firm flesh. She complied, parting the mounds. He thrust, and grunted in pleasure when she squeezed her breasts around his cock.

“Don’t tell me that, with breasts as beautiful as yours, you’ve never had a man fuck them?” he grated out as he flexed his hips, his eyes glued to her breasts and the sight of his swollen cockhead poking up between them. “I wanted to from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

He braced his hands on the cushions of the couch and thrust several times. He knew he was being selfish—how much pleasure could she take in this, after all?—but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

Angeline was beauty and sex personified, in his mind. And he was just a guy. Who was he to resist heaven, he thought dazedly as he thrust with more force and his pelvis made a whapping sound against the lower curves of her breasts. The sight of her fulsome flesh bobbing upward and Angeline staring up at him with lust-glazed eyes almost made him spill his seed then and there.

Sliding his cock out of that warm, soft crevice might have been the hardest thing Alex had ever done in his life.

But there was so much more territory to be discovered. Angeline Kastakis spread out before a fire, her magnificent breasts in her hands, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal. His gaze moved over her torso as she panted. The contrast of her full, ripe breasts and delicate ribcage made his cock tug insistently.

He was horny enough to come spontaneously and he hadn’t even taken her jeans off yet. He bent down and did just that with brisk precision. She released her breasts and came up on her elbows as he wrestled her jeans off, lifting her hips and feet to assist him. He knelt next to her knees and looked up at her fire-gilded body as she reclined there, wearing only a scrap of ivory silk panties.

She seemed to go entirely still as he straddled her, his gaze fixed at the juncture of her thighs. Anticipation unlike anything he’d ever known stabbed through his cock as he slowly, deliberately, lowered her panties.

He tossed the panties aside and placed his hands on thighs so silky, so shapely, they could make a grown man weep in longing. He spread her and stared at her pussy, spellbound by the sight.


He glanced up sharply at the desperation in her plea.

“Shhhh,” he soothed when he saw the pinched quality to her facial features—the expression of someone who hurt from intense sexual desire. “Put your hands behind your head.”

Puzzlement shadowed her face.