Page 56 of Gateway to Heaven

“Christian, don’t…you’re killing me.”

“Then let’s die together, honey.”

He never removed his eyes from her face as he thrust into her again and again. She sensed the reins on his restraint stretching tight, felt him waiting for her with wild anticipation. She strained for release… from a friction that was so glorious it was unbearable.

“Come for me, Megan,” he mouthed.

She did. He let go then as well, plunging into the flames with her with a final hard stroke and a loud roar.

She’d been right. Christian’s desire did have the power to transform her.

When she became lucid again, she was holding Christian’s head against her breast. She trailed her fingertips through his soft hair and massaged his scalp languorously. He responded by softly kissing and tonguing her sensitized nipple. After a moment, she felt him tenderly caress her other breast with the paradoxically lazy but intense focus that she had come to associate with Christian.

She smiled.

A minute passed, and then two. Megan didn’t know when it started, but she became slowly aware by degrees of a tension building in his muscles.

“Christian?” she asked uncertainly.

He shifted his hips, drawing out of her. He winced at the deprivation of her warm, sweet embrace. He levered himself off the couch in almost the same motion. Megan had likely noticed that he had become completely hard again buried inside her. His body had been ready and eager to go another round, then and there.

God, he was an animal.

His kept his expression neutral as he stood and grabbed for his jeans. He willed himself not to look at Megan’s face, but what his eyes didn’t see, he filled in the blanks masochistically with his imagination.

When he’d pulled on his jeans, he glanced at her uneasily.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yes.” She began to sit up. Her nakedness plagued him in more ways than one. He reached for a throw that was folded at the end of the couch, unfolded it partially, and draped it across her.

“What’s wrong?” Megan asked.

“Nothing.” He bent for his shirt and pulled it on. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. What is it, Christian?”

He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. He kept envisioning what he’d just done. He’d pictured making love to Megan an uncountable number of times at this point and never had it involved the raw, uncontrolled lust and need he’d just experienced.

In his imagination, it’d been tender and restrained.

What had just transpired had been impulsive and wild. He couldn’t bear to look into her face.

He turned and walked out of her loft.

Chapter 12

Megan fought with a heavy sense of depression the next morning, but finally rose early to go to church. She had lain sleepless for most of the night, wracked with anger and sadness.

Why had he done it? Christian obviously regretted their impulsive, impassioned lovemaking. That he could have wished something so beautiful had never happened made her furious.

Or maybe he hadn’t regretted the sex itself. Maybe he just hadn’t wanted to deal with her after their passion had been spent.

Even as she considered it, she knew it wasn’t true. It was clear to her now that her verbal attacks on him were more a result of her own feelings of vulnerability than being associated with any deep faults in Christian’s character. If anything, he was probably trying to maneuver through the awkwardness of her situation as best as he could. It was true that he often hadn’t been forthright with her. But in fairness to him, Megan admitted she that couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live in the public’s eye for so many years. He had undoubtedly been burned in personal relationships as a result of lies and insinuations about his character. His career as a rock star already had a slew of stereotypes and prejudices associated with it.

Megan blushed when she recalled his biting sarcasm when she’d accused him indirectly of enjoying having the young girl take off her shirt for him. With the morning light came honesty. Megan realized that she’d deserved his s

corn. She herself had been guilty of being swept up by those prejudices as she’d watched him up on that stage last night. Those stereotypes had fueled her personal insecurities.