Page 15 of Gateway to Heaven

Tina ignored Megan’s repressive stare and winked suggestively before she left the room.

The exchange between Christian and Randy was notably more strained. Christian’s eyes were like chips of blue ice when he shook Randy’s hand and listened to Megan describe his role as one of the owners of the gallery.

“We just offered Megan a showing at Rosenfeld and Epner,” Randy said, obviously trying to promote polite conversation when Christian maintained a stony silence after they were introduced.

“We?” Christian’s eyes glanced around the studio with mock innocence.

Randy looked slightly abashed. “Well, I made the official offer. But of course, it comes from both my partner, Nancy, and I.”

“Of course,” Christian said blandly enough, but Randy shifted his feet under his relentless stare.

“I still can’t believe it. It hasn’t sunk in yet,” Megan murmured dazedly.

The shadow on Christian’s countenance seemed to lift when he looked at her. He touched her bare shoulder. His fingertips were calloused, but his caress was soft. Megan shivered.

“Congratulations. You deserve it,” he said with a small smile.

She shouldn’t have looked into his face. Suddenly she was lost in the warmth of his gaze. Randy cleared his throat uncomfortably, smart enough to realize that his presence was not only superfluous, but also comp

letely unheeded by the two other people in the room. He politely made his exit, promising to be in contact with Megan about plans for the showing.

Randy’s abrupt departure startled Megan back into reality. Why was she staring at this man like a star-struck teenager after he’d spoken so rudely to her the other day and then had the nerve to leave Chicago without a word? Hadn’t Jeff dropped that a limousine service had picked Christian up on Saturday evening, and that he’d taken a suitcase? That didn’t sound like an unplanned, casual trip across town to his parents’ house.

Megan resolutely stepped away from the source of her unrest and began straightening her workspace. Her back was turned to him when she spoke. “You didn’t say anything on Saturday afternoon about your plans for leaving on Saturday night.”

He didn’t answer her immediately. She looked over her shoulder in time to see his regretful expression. Their gazes caught and held. “That’s because I didn’t mean to leave. Something came up. Actually, the thing that brought everything to a head was that conversation we had over at your place. I needed to talk with…no, convince a good friend about something important.”

For a second or two, she just stared at him. Something told her he was referring to the conversation they’d had about feeling artistically stifled.

“Where did you go?” she finally asked.

“Los Angeles.”

“Is that where your friend is from?”

“No he’s from Santa Fe, but he lives in L.A. Tonight, he’s going to be in Chicago. We’re supposed to be meeting at Emilio’s, a blues club downtown. Do you know it?” Megan shook her head. “I’d like you to come with me.”


Christian rolled his eyes. “Why do you think? Christ, Megan, you do know about ‘boy meets girl,’ right? We’re both single. We’re both straight. It shouldn’t come as a shock to you at this point that I think you’re attractive…very,” he added wryly under his breath, “or that I want to spend time with you, get to know you better.”

Megan bit her lower lip. “Even if I’m not willing to—”

“Yes,” Christian interrupted. “I’m sorry about last time, Megan. I don’t know exactly why I got so irritated but it wasn’t because you didn’t want to have sex. I’m not that much of a jerk. Jesus, it’s not like I was planning for it to happen then. I mean, Emily was in the other room.” He shrugged, as if his current attempts at trying to figure himself out were the latest in a series of many.

“It’s just…you tempt me, Megan.”

She wasn’t aware of turning around fully to face him but she suddenly was. She read the unspoken plea in his blue eyes. God, she could fall for him so easily. She was like soft clay in his skilled, molding hands.

“What time are you going?” she asked, her voice shaky with uncertainty.

“We. Now. Whenever you’re ready. The band starts in twenty minutes.”

Megan glanced down at her attire.

“I can’t. Look at how I’m dressed,” she mumbled, gesturing at her jeans and T-shirt.

“Emilio’s is very casual. In fact, you’ll be overdressed.”