Page 41 of Gateway to Heaven

“Well that makes two of us.” He pressed his forehead against hers. He began stroking the back of her skull. Megan moaned softly.

“When you think about us making love, what are we doing?” he coaxed.

Her eyes fluttered open and then closed again as he continued his scalp massage. “Making love. I told you.”


??There are lots of ways to make love, Megan. Every time I kiss or touch you, I’m making love to you.”

“Oh…I see.”

“But I’m still in the dark. So tell me what you think about,” he said as he pulled her closer on the couch.

She smiled and buried her face in his neck. He held her. He loved the way she felt in his arms—so soft…so sweet.

“Has anyone ever told you that you have a really dirty mind, Christian?”

He chuckled. she pressed closer to his chest, as if she liked the sound.

“When it comes to you? Crazy? Yeah. Besotted? You bet. Horny? No need to belabor the obvious. But dirty? Do I really have to be defined that way?” he asked with mock hurt.

“Poor baby,” she chuckled into his chest.

He smiled wider. He experienced a yearning to stay here with Megan all night, contentedly holding her and absorbing her laughter.

“I’m not very experienced about sex,” she murmured.

“I figured.”

“It’s that obvious?” she murmured.

He shrugged. He’d rather she looked at him while they talked about this, but he knew she was doing what felt the safest for her. “What difference does it make? I like everything about you.”

She lifted her head and met his gaze. “You do?”

He nodded slowly. “I only stayed away for all those days because I was trying to figure it all out about you.”

“And did you…figure anything out, I mean?”

“I definitely figured out that it wasn’t one or two things I liked about you. It’s pretty much every damn thing.”

Her small smile entranced him. “Oh…well in that case, I only brought up my inexperience because my fantasies about making love might not be very…you know, sophisticated.”

Christian scowled. He wanted to tell her that he could care less about sophistication, but he didn’t want to interrupt her because she seemed to be on an honesty roll. He told himself that his interest in what she said was purely clinical. After all, her sexual fantasies would automatically give him a clue how she felt safest with a man, as well as what types of situations or actions might conversely cause anxiety.

It was crucial information if they should ever make love.

But he also admitted it was also one of the most erotic, singular experiences he’d ever had in his life to listen to this shy, unique woman conquer her fears with desire and speak to him so bravely and openly.

He watched her bite her full, dark pink lower lip nervously. He suspected he might be panting. He hoped Megan didn’t notice.

“I’m sure it won’t be that exciting to you,” she said hesitantly.

Trust me, I’ll think it’s exciting.

“I want to know what you think is exciting,” he said out loud.

“I-I think of you touching and kissing my breasts,” she whispered shakily.