Page 6 of Looking Inside

And suffer.

Now the tables had been turned, hadn’t they?

By the time she’d almost finished the spanking scene, her cheeks were hot from arousal. Xander finally gave Katya what she needed by bringing her to climax with his hand at the end of her punishment.

At the end of the chapter, she found herself biting down on her lower lip. Did she think she’d cry out in ecstasy, like Katya did as she exploded with pleasure? Maybe so, because her sex was on fire.

She glanced up furtively, still biting down on her lower lip. Vaguely, she was aware that several men’s faces were turned her way, but she only had eyes for Trey. His stare on her was unguarded now . . . even hotter and sharper than before.

She reacted purely on instinct. Entranced by what she read in his gaze, she slowly uncrossed her legs and swiveled slightly in her chair, so that she dire

ctly faced Trey. There was nothing obstructing his view, even if there was plenty keeping others from witnessing her outrageous behavior.

She opened her thighs several inches, feeling the cool air tickle her aching, naked sex.

He pulsed with lust. Thank God for this otherwise worthless book, because it was the only thing partially shielding the huge tent in his jeans. Had he ever had such a raging erection in public? He didn’t think so. Because in the past, he would have done something about it. But presently, he couldn’t move. He was a complete hostage to her. God he hurt, watching in enthralled fascination as the woman submersed herself in the pages. At first, her fingers played with that curl that fell distractingly across the swell of her breast. After a minute, however, she gripped both sides of the book tightly, like she was steadying herself for a bumpy ride.

He knew she was reading an erotic scene, of course. He knew it from the way her cheeks, lips and chest flushed with color and her breathing grew slightly erratic. When she bit down on her lower lip with small white teeth and tensed her thighs, he thought for a frantic moment he was going to come in his pants like some kind of horny, thwarted teenager.

He couldn’t believe how quickly she’d turned him into a rutting pig, when his intentions in coming here had been so pure. For a few seconds, his irritation at her for making him want her so much cut through his intense lust.

Until she looked up and met his stare, and he saw that her heat equaled his.

Until she slowly turned in her chair, as though she were in a trance, and spread her thighs. Her skirt eased up her legs another inch higher. His heart seized. His cock jumped eagerly.

The little tease wasn’t wearing any underwear.

The cleft between her thighs was shadowy. He strained to see, all the while holding his breath. Jesus. He wiped the perspiration off his upper lip, his brain and body buzzing in furious arousal. Not only was she not wearing underwear, she was shaved. He could just make out the shape of her smooth labia. He tried to peer through the shadows, desperate, but he couldn’t make out any more detail. Just the glimpse was enough, though. It was more than enough, the state she’d put him in. Was it his sex-revved imagination, or were those delicate folds of flesh glistening from arousal? She resituated her book on her upper thigh, shifting her hips slightly. Air popped out of his lungs. His cock raged.

He glanced up at her face. She wore a small, smug smile.

He snarled slightly. Her grin vanished.

She had him on a goddamned hook, and she knew it. He’d like to turn her over his knee, and then give her what she deserved.

Every blessed inch of it.

She’s turning me into a sex-crazed lunatic, right here in the midst of a hushed reading event.

He blinked in surprise when he recognized anxiety flashing across her face. Abruptly, his personal view of heaven was gone. She’d turned stiffly in her chair. Now she shoved her book into her purse. He started at her jerky movement, guilt sweeping through him.

Had he scared her? He had been snarling at her like he was about to eat her up in one bite. Her averted face and furtive movements as she dug around in her purse alarmed him. He started to get up—he wasn’t sure what he planned to say or do, as this was a no-talking zone. A middle-aged woman to the left of him glanced up from her book. Her gaze slid down his body to the giant bulge in his jeans. Her eyes widened.

He plopped back down into his chair, opening his book on his thighs rapidly to block her view of his crotch. The woman noticed the title on his book. She gave him that disgusted female glare reserved solely for perverts.

Great, he seethed. Now he was the pond slime who dared to read this revered feminine homage to romance and get a chubby from it.

He saw the gorgeous woman stand abruptly. She slung her bag over her shoulder. Shit. She was leaving early. And all he could do was sit here and hide his raging erection. She’s coming this way. He’d stop her as she passed. No way he was going to let her get away. Not a chance. But as she came within feet of him, those long legs motoring, he realized she was pointedly avoiding looking at him. She was just in front of him.

Do something, idiot.

She dropped her arm as she swept past him. He glanced over his shoulder, stunned by the quickness of her departure, not to mention the tongue-tying rear view of strutting long legs and a twitching, tight ass.

Planning to rush after her, he leaned down to shove his book in his briefcase, outraged female onlooker be damned. He paused in a bent-over position when he noticed the folded piece of paper on the low coffee table in front of him. It hadn’t been there before. Slowly, he straightened and picked it up, opening the note. There was only one sentence written in a hasty but elegant hand.

Look out your bedroom window at eleven o’clock tonight and you’ll see everything that you only caught a glimpse of just now.