Page 76 of Looking Inside

She began to plunge the rubber cock back and forth, her taut rhythm matching that of the driving dance music. He noticed she pulsed her hips against the panty vibrator in the same rhythm. He groaned and began to jack his cock to the same tempo.

After a moment, he released his heavy erection and stepped toward her. She made a shaky sound as he withdrew the dildo from her squeezing lips. Her wide-eyed stare up at him made his cock jump in the air. This was what he’d been anticipating so acutely. He palmed her jaw and traced the flagrant color in her cheeks with his thumb.

“Little witch,” he said. He pushed the rubber cock between her flushed lips, back and forth, absorbing the erotic sight, enjoying the buildup so much the ache of arousal began to cut at him.

“I should blindfold you next time,” he told her as he withdrew the dildo from her sucking mouth with an erotic popping sound. “Your eyes are going to make me come sooner than I want.”

He dropped the dildo to the floor and stepped into her. Her eyes seemed to swallow up her face. He grasped his cock from below and trailed the head against her cheek.

“So hot,” he murmured, utterly enthralled. “Part your lips, Eleanor.”

She opened her mouth. He hit a button, turning the vibrator in the panties up to the highest level before he dropped the controller to the floor. He heard her disbelieving moan of pleasure before he pushed his cock between her lips and slid onto her tongue. She vibrated into his flesh. Pure pleasure snaked through him. He groaned roughly.

She sucked him deeper. He cupped her head gently and pulsed his hips, and for a moment, knew nothing but bliss. They worked together to get his cock a little deeper with each pass. He was glad when her eyelids drifted closed.

Her eyes alone were nearly as erotic as her soft, warm, squeezing mouth.

He cupped his balls while she sucked him, frustrated to encounter his underwear still partially covering them. Grimacing, he flexed back, sliding his cock from the heaven of her mouth. She opened her eyes, looking dazed and debauched and so damn beautiful. He kicked off his shoes and attacked his jeans, never taking his gaze off her the whole time. He realized as he stepped toward her, now completely nude, that she breathed in shallow gasps and her entire body shook very subtly. Realization struck.

“Are you about to come?” She looked just as incredulous as he sounded. He’d never used vibrating panties before. Apparently, he’d been missing out. Still, he was glad he’d discovered their potential with Eleanor. The eroticism of the moment was razor sharp.

“I don’t know,” she gasped dazedly. “It feels good.”

He cursed and stepped into her. He slid his cock into her mouth. She moaned, and then closed around him like a vise. Her mouth was so pink and soft-looking, but damn, she was strong. He thrust, snarling. She was there to meet him, ducking her head, bobbing back and forth at a brisk pace. She took him eagerly, never balking. He could feel her heat. Her arousal. It fueled his hunger, until he couldn’t tell where his need ended and hers began. He became aware of the near-constant trembling of her body. It didn’t break, as it would if she were climaxing. It was a continuous quaking. She’d been pitched into an uncommon state of excitement.

So had he.

He cupped the back of her dipping head and thrust between her lips more forcefully. “Use your hand, Eleanor,” he guided her.

Her squeezing hand joined in the urgent pace they set, jacking the base of his cock while he plunged into her mouth. He grimaced. God, it was good. He was going to come. She started to scream onto his cock, breaking their fluid, rapid pace.

“Eleanor?” he called tensely. A violent shudder went through her. He grabbed the base of his cock and withdrew, thinking he’d been too forceful. She pulled at him so hard with her mouth, his eyes crossed. He stared down at her, panting, the slick, ruddy head of his cock pressed against her parted lips. Her breath struck him in erratic bursts. She looked up at him, her eyes dazed and shining, her body shuddering as she climaxed.

It was the most erotic sight, bar none, he’d ever seen.

A shout burst out of his throat. He plunged into the heaven of her mouth again, desperate to be buried in her heat. He thrust rapidly and broke in orgasm. Because she was still climaxing, she hadn’t really been ready for him. He started to come with her mouth only loosely clamped around him. He shuddered, groaning gutturally as pleasure racked him. His ejaculate spilled around her puffy lips.

It was a wild, delicious mess. He palmed the back of her head, groaning, undone by her yet again. Suddenly, her mouth tightened around him. He slumped slightly, gasping for air.

Their stares held as she cleaned him thoroughly.

Afterward, they collapsed together on the bed, too exhausted to get beneath the covers. Her face was pressed into his chest; his arms encircled her. It felt like heaven and hell at once. She couldn’t stop panting, even after Trey’s breathing slowed. She wiggled against him, needing stimulation against her fevered body. After a minute, he propped himself up on one elbow and lifted her chin from his chest. He peered at her closely. Concern tightened his features. Confusion penetrated her dazed state.

He moved quickly, sitting up and jerking the panties down her hips. Eleanor gasped loudly at the deprivation of the vibrator. She’d been so out of it following her explosive orgasm, she hadn’t realized it had continued to stimulate her overwrought body. She gasped shakily in relief, but an achy pressure continued to plague.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I’ve never used the panties before. I didn’t mean to leave you hurting,” he murmured after he’d shoved off her pumps and then jerked the panties off her feet. His hands went to her back. He reclined on his side and slid her body higher on his with a flex of his powerful arms. Now their faces were only inches apart. He studied her closely. Suddenly, his fingers were at her sex.

“Let’s just bring you off one more time,” he murmured.

His hand moved at her sex, amplifying the friction the panties had created. She moaned in fevered pleasure. He looped his arm around her head. His fingertips caressed her fevered cheek while he watched her rise to climax. Somehow, Eleanor knew that the memory of him looking down at her with such tender possession while she burned in his arms would stay with her until she was an old woman.

A moment later, she shuddered in orgasm against him. He dropped a kiss on her temple while she shook and spoke gruffly near her ear.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

She gasped, overwhelmed with feel