Page 47 of Looking Inside

He was off like a rocket. He fucked her with smooth, relentless precision, never letting up. She watched him in the mirror for a moment, staring in wonder at the vision of his pistoning cock, pumping hips and the tops of his naked, flexing, round buttocks above the waistband of his white boxer briefs. His face looked rigid and fierce as he watched himself fuck her.

Then the friction grew so intense from his ruthless possession, she no longer was able to focus on his image. He rattled her consciousness. She stared down at the carpet blindly, wailing and gasping, overwhelmed by sensation. It stung a little each time he hammered into her, his pelvis smacking against her spanked bottom, his swollen cock filling her . . . overfilling her.

It dawned on her that he wasn’t just rocking her world in the figurative sense, but in the literal one. He fucked her so hard, his rough grunts and growls raining down on her, that her entire body shook and shot forward with each thrust. His hold on her hips and ass kept her mostly a stationary target, however. He finally paused, his breathing remarkably even, given his strident, rapid movements. She was panting like she’d just run a race. He released her ass and she felt his hands moving on the padded handcuffs at her back. Her arms fell forward, liberated, the cuffs still attached to her right wrist.

“Put your hands on your knees, Eleanor. Support yourself,” he said, his voice sounding harsh in her ringing ears.

When she’d done what he’d demanded, he resumed his assault on her senses, this time with perhaps greater rigor. She was reminded firsthand of his supreme physical condition and raw strength. The sound of him smacking into her body grew so rapid it was like gunfire going off. Was it possible for a man to fuck that fast, that hard . . . that well?

Apparently so.

A scream tore out of her throat as she started to come.

“Jesus, Eleanor. You little—”

She was so lost in a cyclone of pounding sensation, she hardly knew what was happening to her. Suddenly his forearms hooked beneath her elbows and he was lifting her upper body, never stopping in his rapid, fluid thrusts. He pulled her back, leaning down until his front pressed against her shoulders and arching back. He bent his knees beneath her, causing her ass to slap forcefully onto his pelvis and hard thighs as he fucked her. All the while, his cock kept up its relentless thrusting into her captive body.

She felt him swell inside her, and then his deep, rough voice vibrating ominously near her ear.

“I’m going to come in your teasing little pussy now, Eleanor.”

He cupped one of her breasts in his hand and pounded into her with short strokes that jolted her entire body. His growl sounded savage. Thrilling. Days later, she’d recall that tense, electrical moment and become uncontrollably aroused. He roared as he came, holding her immobile for the first blast, and then using his hold on her breast and shoulder to ride her on his cock while he finished. She bounced to and fro, gasping for air, completely and deliciously frayed.

Slowly, his forceful manipulation of her body eased. He finally stopped pumping, some of the palpable tension leaving his corded muscles. She couldn’t get over his strength and stamina. He wrapped his arms around her waist with his cock thrust high. He bent his head, his face against her shoulder. She absorbed the sensation of his warm breath brushing her skin as he panted for air.


“I think you turned me inside out,” he muttered thickly after a moment next to her shoulder blade.

“You’re telling me. You’re looking at my insides,” she mumbled through numb lips.

He tensed at that, straightening and bringing her with him. His cock slid out of her body.

“No,” she said with exhausted irritability.

“Come here,” he soothed quietly, holding her upper arm and guiding her over to the bed. They fell down heavily onto the mattresses, making the springs squeak in protest. His arm went under her head to her shoulders, and she rolled against him. For a few seconds, they just panted as their bodies recovered and steadied.

Her face pressed against a solid pectoral muscle. As the minutes passed, she became attuned to the rise and fall of his chest and the feeling of his cotton shirt pressed against her nose and lips. Sluggishly, she raised her hand and began to unbutton his shirt. He touched the back of her hand with his fingertips, and for a moment, she thought he was going to try to stop her. He didn’t, though. He just caressed the back of her hand as it moved down his chest and abdomen. She drew open the shirt and ran her hand over the glorious stretch of his nude torso, sliding against his hard abdomen, heaving rib cage and powerful chest. A thin layer of perspiration covered his thick skin. Arousal flickered through her, surprising her a little. All the while, he kept his hand in contact with hers, and she had the weird, random thought that he was experiencing what it was like for her to touch his naked body at that moment. She felt exquisitely attuned to him. She found a small nipple and circled the tip of her forefinger over it, air soughing into her lungs when she felt it pebble.

He gripped her hand tighter in his.

“You’re turning me on again,” he stated, his tone both blunt and vaguely incredulous.

She pulled her hand free of his and came up on her elbow, staring down at him. He looked magnificent lying there, his burnished brown hair mussed, his bronzed, muscular torso exposed, his blue eyes lambent and fierce-seeming in his otherwise utterly relaxed state. She could smell him too, the lingering scent of his aftershave mingling with the musk of his arousal and climax. Wanting to experience his fragrance more, she pressed her nose next to his rib cage and inhaled. He muttered something—she wasn’t sure what—and laced his fingers into her hair.

She ran her fingertip from his collarbone downward, trailing it through the brown hair on his chest and down over his smooth sternum. His heaving rib cage stilled, and she knew he’d held his breath. She liked the way his ridged, flat abdomen jumped beneath her touch. His cock lay at a diagonal along his pelvis and belly, his boxer briefs and jeans still shoved heedlessly at his thighs and beneath his testicles. The condom looked very slick with her juices. Heat swept through her.

He was magnificent.

She could just lie there for hours and touch him, and her fascination would never wane. Mounting arousal might fracture her attention, but boredom?


She shifted her head, pressing her mouth to the side of his waist. She sunk her teeth gently into smooth skin and dense flesh. He jumped and tightened his fingers in her hair. His skin roughened beneath her lips.

“Take it easy, gorgeous. If you’re that hungry, we’ll order in.”

She grinned, her lips sliding against his skin. She kissed him playfully and rose up over him.