Page 43 of Looking Inside

It’ll only increase your punishment, a dark voice in her head said.

She tingled with excitement at the thought. She took her time, fluffing out her loose hair and applying blush, eyeliner and lipstick. A minute later, she located the fans in a cupboard in the exercise room. They were made of white feathers and shaped like palm leaves, about two and a half by two and a half feet in size. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, she dropped her robe. Holding the handles, she slid the fans along her body, loving the sensual feel on her naked skin, admiring the way the white feathers looked against her body. She’d never tried a fan dance herself, but she’d studied videos of Sally Rand doing it dozens of times. The trick was to manipulate the fans as she moved, sliding one off a breast or her butt or her sex just as the other fan glided into place.

The whole dance was one gigantic tease.

I can do this.

But can you face the consequences?

Eleanor only knew for certain she was about to find out.

One fan flirtatiously covering her front side while the other shielded her ass, she walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom.

Where the hell was she?

Trey stood next to the floor-to-ceiling window, annoyance and anticipation building in him. The room across the way remained dark. He glanced at his watch. It was a few minutes until six.

Just keep pushing it, Eleanor, he thought grimly. His body flickered with arousal. He couldn’t believe he allowed her to push his buttons this way.

But she did it so freaking well.

A light blinked on in the room. He tensed, all of his attention zeroing in on the distant figure. She moved gracefully around the foot of the bed toward the window. He stepped closer to the window, completely forgetting his self-command to hold back and to watch her performance with some element of restraint.

She was naked, the pale gold, luminous skin of her shoulders and legs gleaming in the lamplight. But she was holding something white against her breasts, belly and crotch . . . some kind of fan. Just as he recognized the object, she began to dance, moving her hips seductively.

Holy shit. It was made of feathers. He could tell by the movement the fan made as she danced and it slid against her skin. Plus . . . the feathers weren’t

opaque. As she stepped toward the window, her hips gyrating, he realized he could see the outline of her beautiful body shifting beguilingly to some unheard music. He watched, spellbound.

She spun several times, nearing the window, revealing the sides of her body and willowy bare back, making it clear she was completely naked. His cock swelled. He frowned in mixed arousal and disappointment. She held another fan over her ass.

Little tease.

He watched her dance for a moment with her back to him. Keeping the fan in place over her ass, she lowered the other fan and caressed the back of her legs with it, all the while moving to the music. Her long mane of hair swished sexily against her lithe back as she stroked her naked thighs with the fan.

Then she turned and looked coyly over her shoulder. That stare went straight to the core of him.

“Eleanor,” he growled softly in warning. He swore he saw her smile. He didn’t have time to decide for sure, because suddenly she straightened her long legs and bent at the waist, ass in the air. He placed his hand on the glass of the window, every ounce of his attention straining toward her. She moved both fans at once, her skill at the task surprising him. Just as she slid one down a buttock and caressed her thigh with it, she moved the other up, gliding it over her ass, obstructing his view.

He ground his teeth together, held hostage by her. He couldn’t move or breathe. All he could do was salivate and ache, and pray he’d catch even the slightest glimpse of what she so cleverly hid from him.

Then she started to sway her ass as she continued her peekaboo show. As she shifted her hips to the music, he glimpsed a bare suspended breast. He’d seen plenty of breasts in his day, but just that obscured vision from a distance electrified him. He grabbed his cock through his jeans and groaned. She bent her knees and ground her hips in a circular motion, all the while sliding the feathers against her naked skin, provoking him without mercy.

That was it. He was going over to her place right now. He was going to spank that beautiful ass and take her as mercilessly as she teased him.

But then she straightened and spun several feet away from the windows, sliding the fans across her naked body. He froze, utterly enthralled by her. She faced him, her hair tousled around her shoulders. He sensed her excitement, saw the color in her cheeks and her small, daring smile.

He gripped at his cock through his jeans and grimaced. She knew she had him exactly where she wanted him.

It’s okay, Eleanor. Have your fun. Because I’m going to have you precisely where I want you in just a few minutes.

With one leg in front of her, knee cocked, she began to manipulate both fans across the front of her body, stroking herself. He suspected she liked the way the soft feathers felt against her flushed, tingling skin. She was such an innate sensualist.

Such a born tease.

She began to shift the fans lower on her body with each hypnotic pass, until he stared fixedly at the tops of her beautiful bare breasts while she feathers slipped and glided across her naked skin, mocking him. He swallowed thickly. Could he see her nipples, or couldn’t he?