“Fardusk has begun teaching Aidan about his animal nature and how to safely shift.”

Tears burned her eyes. It hadn’t been a dream. Her son really was a wolf, in addition to being a boy. Strange, but what had seemed impossible in the night—terrifying even—seemed somehow graspable in the morning light.

She had always known Aidan was special. Now she knew he was unique beyond her wildest dreams. Anxiety filled her chest cavity for what the future would bring, but she no longer felt overwhelmed with fear for her son.

“Who is Fardusk?” she asked Saint flatly.

“He is the leader of the Iniskium. A friend… Someone to be trusted.”

Christina straightened her spine and thrust out her chin. “I’m so glad there are those you can trust. It’s not a luxury I share.”

His face stiffened and he stepped toward her. Again she took a step back.

“And will Aidan be a vampire as well?” she asked shrilly.

Saint spread his hands in front of him and shrugged in a helpless gesture. “I wish I knew. Aidan’s nature is unique. Not even Kavya knows precisely what strengths he will possess, what parts of him will manifest as wolf, what parts human, what parts Magian.

“I asked Kavya to examine him this morning before Fardusk took him for his lessons,” Saint continued. “He says that Aidan is the healthiest child he’s ever seen. His unique biology will make him exponentially stronger. He won’t get ill, as other children do. His immune system has strengthened way beyond human capacity. From what I’ve observed, his eating habits haven’t changed. He ate half a pound of bacon and ten pancakes for breakfast, but you have to admit…that’s not too far off his usual quota for the past six months.”

When she didn’t return his small smile, he added, “We will watch him closely, Christina. If he does show signs of craving vitessence, we will teach him how to control his hunger, have little doubt of that. I would rather Teslar gained ascendancy over me than allow Aidan to burn in the same fires of remorse that I have suffered.”

The irksome tears once again stung her eyes when she sensed Saint’s earnestness in trying to alleviate her anxiety, even when he himself was far from certain. The knowledge that he floundered in these bizarre circumstances as much as she did made her angrier for some reason. He might not have bitten Aidan, like she’d accused him of last night, but he still was responsible. He was the one who was supposed to be super-powerful. He didn’t have a right to be worried or anxious or…was that guilt she felt swirling around amongst his other emotions?

“How could you let this happen? How did it happen?” The words burst out of a throat that was constricting with emotion.

His blue eyes looked shiny as he regarded her. Did Saint actually have the ability to cry? s

he wondered dazedly. He entreated her with his gaze. She took another step back in her rising confusion, then found herself stepping toward him when she sensed his desperation. Their gazes held. A feeling like hot, flowing, molten metal began to spread in her belly.

She realized tears were pouring down her face. She stood there stupidly as Saint came closer. One arm encircled her, his scent enfolded her, causing a flood to spill from her eyes. He gently dried her cheeks with his fingertips, patiently continuing when more fell to replace them.

“I have no excuse for what I’ve done, Christina. I couldn’t resist you. The gods know I tried, but it was like ordering myself not to breathe.”

His gruff voice rumbled close to her ear, causing shivers to race down her spine. She leaned forward, placing her forehead on his solid chest.

“Aidan is ours?” she whispered. It was really more of an incredulous statement than a question.

“Yes. I only just learned of it last night, after he shifted. Kavya told me. I was as shocked as you.”

She lifted her head and gazed up at him solemnly. After a taut moment, she blinked.

“I was going to ask you if Kavya somehow created Aidan in his laboratories like he did you, but he didn’t. Did he?” she whispered.

Saint’s mouth fell open. She could almost feel the words scalding his throat and tongue, his guilt infusing the truth like an acid.

“You don’t have to say it. I already know, Saint.”

He looked taken aback. “Since when?”

“Since just now. I saw the truth in your eyes.” She took a deep breath. “But I think I knew before as well. Maybe the truth was never fully in my consciousness. It was like a shadow I’d see out of the corner of my eyes. Something I couldn’t fully understand. I remember it now.”

She glanced up at him when he stiffened.

“Maybe not in the same way you remember it,” she continued, her quiet voice shaking. “But it was the most realistic dream I’d ever had. And when I woke up, I wasn’t convinced at all that it had been a dream. Your scent was still on me. I was wet from you…wet with you.” She saw his cheek muscle twitch and his eyes glistened even more than they had a minute ago. “I had felt so full in those moments, so alive…so complete. And when I woke up in that field, I was alone. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for that.”

A spasm of emotion tightened his face. “I don’t expect you to forgive me for it, Christina. But I want you to know my mind was joined with yours. We were joined in the wolf dream. I had your consent.”

“I never said you didn’t.”