“All right,” she agreed shakily. “But I still don’t think making love is all about maintaining control. Even for you, Saint.”

“Especially for me,” he corrected grimly.

Chapter Fourteen

He arranged her arms over her head and bound her wrists together, then tied them both to the wooden posts on the headboard. Once he’d finished, he lay beside her and ran his fingertips along the side of her torso, from hip to just below her armpit. She gasped and shivered. Her nipples pulled tight. Unable to stop himself, he leaned down and enclosed one of the hard crests in his mouth.

She writhed beneath him, but he spread both hands on the side of her ribcage and kept her captive while he rolled his tongue over her beaded flesh and suckled her. Never was there flesh sweeter than Christina’s. The sound of her blood pounding in her veins swelled in his ears. Even though he wanted to suck on her breasts more, he forced himself lower, tasting the skin at the sides of her body and nipping lightly at her waist and belly.

When he lowered to her slender, lithesome thighs, she squirmed. He held her hips immobile, kissing and tonguing the satiny skin between her legs. She cried out in rising excitement when he flicked his tongue just inches away from her pussy, capturing her flavor on his tongue.

It was a dream come true, Saint thought as he spread her thighs and drank in the sight of Christina’s glossy, exposed pussy. How many nights had he lain in this bed, alone and suffering, and imagined what she’d look like naked, restrained and spread wide for him. A shudder of excitement went through him. He came up on his knees and grabbed for one of the leather harnesses, drawing it downward.

“Saint?” she whispered in confusion when he slipped a leather loop over her foot.

“Shhh, it’s all right. I’m just going to restrain your legs. It’ll be more comfortable for you. You can just relax and give into your pleasure,” he explained as he slid the other loop over her foot. When he’d finished restraining her in the harness, her legs were spread wide, her feet suspended several feet off the bed. Her dark pink, glistening pussy made a striking contrast to her pale thighs. His cock lurched furiously at the sight.

He gave a guttural groan and dipped his head between her legs. He inhaled the scent of her desire.

“Oh God, please…please don’t torture me,” she begged hoarsely.

He glanced up and saw the desperation in her eyes, her vividly pink cheeks, her flushed breasts, and distended nipples. The sight was so compelling he couldn’t stop staring as he leaned down and worked his tongue between her juicy labia. He growled low as her sublime taste flooded his awareness.

How could she think he wanted to torture her? The only thing he ever wanted to see on her beautiful face was happiness, contentment…and profound pleasure.

She cried out sharply as he became more demanding in his stimulation, making her clit his captive, gently sucking her and then moving his head slightly from side to side, vibrating the sensitive kernel of flesh. She pulled against her restraints, her body going rigid as she strained for climax. When her cries became an unceasing keen, he released her and lapped at her, wanting to savor her desire.

He noticed that she watched him. He heard her heart beating frantically with his powerful hearing, knew the instant it perfectly synchronized with his own. The only other sound that could be heard in the silent room was the moist, clicking noise of wet flesh against wet flesh.

Christina groaned in torment and lifted her hips off the bed, trying to increase the stimulation. Saint raised his head and clenched his teeth. Before she knew what he was about, he’d sat up to a kneeling position. He spread his hands on her ass and lifted her to his mouth. He plunged his tongue into her slit again and again, his arms flexing as he brought her against his mouth in a rhythmic fucking motion. She screamed and went rigid. He lashed her clit with his stiffened tongue, hard and ruthless, and she broke in orgasm.

Centuries of experience and a preternatural knowledge helped him to know every female’s unique physiology, assisted him in gleaning what to do to prolong her orgasm. He instinctively reached for Christina’s bare feet, scratching the soles lightly as he continued to tongue her. Her feet jerked in his hands as she climaxed, but he continued to stimulate her. She screamed louder, her body shuddering even more forcefully.

“That’s right,” he whispered next to the skin of her belly when he’d finally worked every last orgasmic tremor out of her body and she’d sunk to the bed in exhaustion. “That’s how I always want you to give yourself to me.” He felt her shiver when he scraped his teeth against her ribs. He came up on his hands and knees, working his way up her body, tasting her flesh as he went along, before he lowered to her lush mouth. “Taste how sweet you are.”

She lapped at his lips, which were moist from her juices, then sunk her tongue into his mouth, kissing him hungrily.

Saint groaned as her essence flooded his awareness. He tore at the button fly and shoved his jeans down his thighs. His arousal was so sharp that he didn’t even pause to remove the soft leather thong that held his sheathed heartluster next to his thigh. He took his cock in his hand and arrowed it toward Christina’s wet cunt. At the last second, however, he reared up over her and reached for the mechanism above the bed. He turned two separate wheels and watched as her thighs spread even wider and her hips rose off the bed. He studied her face carefully for any signs of discomfort.

Instead, he saw only undiluted lust in her green eyes.

He palmed his cock and pressed it to her slit, holding her hips steady for his penetration.

“You’re dripping wet for me, aren’t you?” he murmured before he flexed his hips and drove into her. She screamed. He snarled at the cruelty of the pleasure of being fully encased in her tight, warm clasp. He grabbed her suspe

nded hips and pushed her back even as he drew his cock out of her. Then he flexed and slid deep once again.

A sort of wild, carnal fury overcame him as he fucked Christina and watched her vitessence spark and flash around her beautiful body. He used his arms to optimally maximize the friction of his thrusting hips, pulling her onto his cock as he pounded into her again and again.

Their combined heartbeat throbbed so loudly in his ears that he heard Christina’s cries and screams of pleasure as if through thick insulation. Her muscles constricted and liquid heat surged around his cock. He clamped his eyes shut and endured the exquisite torture of being surrounded by her spasming pussy. He thrust forcefully, their smacking flesh signaling the moment when he released the energy barrier he’d erected, allowing her powerful energy to surge into his cells.

He fucked her as if he’d find salvation at her furthest reaches. Time stood still as he agonized and gloried in Christina’s fires yet again.


Christina’s plaintive cry pierced the haze of his rabid lust. He blinked, focusing on her face. He paused with his aching cock thrust halfway into her.

The ugly realization hit that he’d been wild…even more out of control than he had been last night, during the storm.