Kavya leaned forward in his chair. “Is that all you have to say on the matter?”

Saint scowled. “What more should I say?”

Kavya leaned back and sighed. “If you don’t know, it’s not for me to put it into words.”

Alison and Aidan devoured the breakfast of homemade waffles and bacon while Christina watched them broodingly and sipped her morning coffee. She didn’t move when someone knocked on the kitchen screen door, already knowing who the visitor was. Aidan leapt from his spot at the oak table, syrup leaking from the side of his mouth, in order to answer the door. Saint followed him into the sunlit kitchen a second later, wearing jeans and a dark blue T-shirt and carrying a motorcycle helmet. His light blue eyes met Christina’s briefly before he glanced resolutely away.

“Want a waffle, Saint?” Aidan asked.

“Nice of you to offer my services,” Christina said wryly. Aidan grinned at her before he attacked his waffle again.

Saint shook his head. “No, I came to get Alison.”

Alison’s fork fell to her plate with a clatter. She stared up at Saint, flabbergasted.

“You came to get me?” The girl’s gaze flickered over to Christina and then back to Saint.

“If you’ll come. I was hoping you could show me where Teslar has taken you in the tunnels. Teslar and the Scourge revenants are day-sleepers. It should be safe, as

long as we don’t get too close.”

Aidan also set down his fork, his waffle forgotten. “How come sunlight doesn’t hurt you like it does Teslar?”

Saint’s shapely lips—which in Christina’s opinion, were made almost indecently sexy highlighted as they were by his trim goatee—twitched with grim amusement. Thoughts of how his mouth had moved over her hungrily while his cock plundered her in a deep, thorough possession swamped her awareness, the power of the memory so realistic and intense that her cheeks flamed and her sex heated.

She blinked away the sensual haze imposed by the mere sight of him. She was still angry at him for running away again last night, but she’d grown pensive as well, trying to think of the best way to cut through his stubborn hide.

“You’re being influenced by stories, Aidan,” Saint said. “Teslar can go out during the day. It’s just that, for the activities he prefers, the night suits him better.”

“What kind of activities?” Aidan asked. “Stuff like attacking people on the subway?”

Christina cleared her throat loudly, throwing Saint a warning look when he glanced at her. Aidan was too young to know about Teslar’s twisted nighttime activities.

“Yeah. Stuff like that and a lot worse,” Saint replied.

“Like what?” Aidan demanded.

“You let Saint worry about that,” Christina said abruptly.

“But, Mom, I want to know! He’s dangerous. Saint told me last night he wants to kill us.”

“You told him that?” Christina accused Saint furiously, standing from the table.

“He has a right to know if he’s in danger. He has a right to know if his mother’s life is threatened. Do you think Aidan didn’t recognize the truth last night? You put yourself at a grave disadvantage by burying your head in the sand,” Saint stated impassively.

Christina glared at him before she turned around and dumped her coffee in the sink, hissing a curse when some of it splashed onto her white shorts.

“So I guess I still can’t go to my baseball game this morning, huh, Saint?” Aidan asked.


Aidan sighed in disappointment. His little league team was in the midst of playoffs for the championship and Aidan was easily their most valuable player.

“You and your mother aren’t to set a foot outside of Whitby’s property until Teslar can be contained. Alison, will you show me where Teslar is holed up in the tunnels?” Saint asked.

Alison stood, her eager nod surprising Christina a little, given how down she’d been on Saint last night.

“Wait a second! If it’s so dangerous for Aidan and me to leave Whitby, why’s it okay for Alison to go?” Christina demanded.