Tears burned her eyelids. She opened the refrigerator.

The first thing she saw was a luscious-looking dessert nestled in a paper cup with thick shavings of white chocolate nestled in frosting. She recognized it as her favorite guilty pleasure from the bakery downtown—a brownie with white chocolate chunks and Macadamia nuts. She pictured a smiling Georgiana at the bakery telling Ryan about Faith’s preferred dessert.

Beneath the confection was a plastic-covered plate. She grabbed it and the brownie and set them on the counter. When she peeled back the plastic on the plate, she saw that he’d grilled the steak she’d prepared for his thwarted welcome dinner. He’d placed a helping of her green bean, grape and pasta salad next to it.

She stared blankly at the meal he’d made for a full minute, her throat feeling tight. She’d treated him unfairly last night. Her guilt mounted over the fact that he kept apologizing for a sin she’d participated in every bit as enthusiastically as he had. There was a singular, powerful attraction betw

een them. Ryan was just a man; one who was undoubtedly unused to having his sexual advances denied.

Faith knew firsthand how difficult it was to deny him.

How fair was it for her to agree to this arrangement between them, knowing full well that she was making him uncomfortable?


What if, even now, he was finding the gratification she’d denied him last night in the arms of another woman?

“Don’t be stupid,” she snapped at herself out loud. She picked up the plate and cupcake and set them on the breakfast nook table.

She’d drive herself absolutely mad by having thoughts like that every time Ryan took off in a plane.

* * *

She arose the next morning to a pristine, sunny spring day. As she was preparing some breakfast, she heard her cell phone ringing. She answered it when she saw it was Mari calling.

“Good morning,” she greeted, setting her steaming bowl of oatmeal on the table.

“Good morning!” Mari returned cheerfully. “How are you feeling?”

“Wonderful,” Faith said honestly. “I’m always energized in the mornings.”

“And wiped out by two o’clock, right?” Mari said knowingly. “The fatigue is supposed to go away for a lot of women during the second trimester and come back for the last, but I know for me, I’m affected the whole time.”

“Unfortunately, I think we might have that in common,” Faith said dryly, touching her abdomen. “I’m not complaining, though. Luckily, I can go into my office if it gets too bad and close my eyes for fifteen minutes.”

“Those catnaps make a world of difference. I just wanted to tell you that Marc and I are spending the night with Brigit tonight in Harbor Town. I can drive over this afternoon if there are any last-minute details you’d like me to see to for the wedding. Ryan called last night, and said he would be in San Francisco until later today. He thought you might need some help.”

Warmth rushed through her at the mention of Ryan’s concern for her. “Oh, no. I’m fine. There really isn’t much to plan, it’s going to be such a simple ceremony. Ryan has gotten the license, and you helped me with the dress and Ryan’s ring. Clarisse is going to make the four of us a nice lunch on the terrace after the ceremony. I hear the weather is supposed to be wonderful. Everything is all taken care of.”

“So you don’t have any errands you need run today?”

“No, I’m actually seeing some patients at the office this morning, I got so backed up this week. But I really appreciate you asking, Mari,” she said sincerely.

“Well, call me if you change your mind. Oh...I spoke with Deidre on the phone earlier. She wants me to tell you congratulations. Ryan told her and Nick about you and the baby and his plans to headquarter Eagle Air out of Michigan. Nick thinks it’s a good thing, as so many DuBois employees have to regularly go coast-to-coast, and Ryan will be more centrally located.”

“Tell Deidre thank you. And as for Eagle Air, I’m happy to hear it’s going to work for everybody.”

They reaffirmed the time they would meet at the orchard tomorrow and said goodbye.

As Mari had predicted, Faith was exhausted by the time she returned home at a little past three that afternoon. She fed the cats and let Topsy into the yard. After she let the puppy back inside, she kicked off her pumps and flopped down on the couch in the living room. The sun shone through the large picture window next to the couch, warming her. After a minute Topsy came up to the couch, whining plaintively.

“Hi you,” Faith murmured, leaning down to scoop up the fluffy puppy in her arms. She curled on her left side, Topsy snuggling between her body and the back of the couch. She closed her eyes and drifted into a contented sleep.

* * *

Ryan pulled into the driveway, his eyes feeling gritty with fatigue. He hadn’t slept well last night, tossing and turning, recalling in vivid detail what had occurred with Faith the night before, wishing it hadn’t happened...

...wanting like hell for it to happen again.