“There’s time,” she told him with a smile before she walked to the kitchen.

Faith set the table in the dining room, complete with lit candelabra. “Wow, I’ve never eaten in here before,” Ryan said when he entered, looking appealing in jeans and a fresh shirt, his dark hair still slightly wet.

“Too bad it’s not a very fancy meal,” Faith said, setting their filled plates on the table.

“Fancy or not, it’s fantastic,” Ryan said a few minutes later as he ate, appearing to completely appreciate her efforts.

They talked comfortably enough during dinner about some immediate plans for Eagle Air, including the fact that Ryan was interviewing two potential candidates for the administrative assistant position in addition to a pilot the following morning.

“I’ll still be available for the doctor’s appointment, though,” he said after they’d finished eating, but they remained sitting at the table, sipping their water and iced tea. “Have you been feeling all right?”

“Yes. Very good, actually. I haven’t been tired at all at the office for the past few days.”

“Good. I’m glad,” he said, reaching up to touch her hand where it rested on her placemat. It seemed like a completely natural gesture, given their comfort with one another during dinner. But as he continued to stroke her hand warmly, and prickles of pleasurable sensation shot through her arm, Faith became aware of a shift in the atmosphere. She glanced at him hesitantly and saw that his eyes were on her, dark and intense.

“Earlier you said one day at a time,” he said quietly. “And I’ll do whatever I can to make this work for you, Faith. But I have to be honest—now that I’ve made love to you again, I’m not sure I can go back to abstinence. It just doesn’t seem...natural to be here in this house with you and not touch you.”

Her cheeks warmed. She looked at her plate. “I understand. For some things, it’s impossible to go backward. I hadn’t really expected that we could, either.”

He squeezed her hand softly. She met his stare.

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Yes. I don’t want to run anymore from what’s happening between us,” she said in a hushed tone.

He nodded slowly, still stroking her wrist with his thumb.

“I appreciate you saying that. I know this isn’t easy for you.”

“Making love with you is the easiest, nicest thing in the world, Ryan. It’s not that part that’s hard.”

His expression went flat. His caressing thumb stilled. She sensed his incredulity at her words.

“You honestly didn’t think I wasn’t loving that part, did you, Ryan?”

He blinked, as if awakening from a trance. “To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what to think after Monday morning.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mean for you to apologize again.”

“I know,” she whispered.

He inhaled slowly. “Why don’t you go and relax while I clean up the dishes?”

“That’s not necessary, I can—”

He surprised her by leaning across the corner of the table and kissing her, quick and potent.

“You cooked. I’ll clean up.”

“Okay,” she said when she’d recovered her voice. “Maybe I’ll just go...take a shower.” Despite what she’d said, she remained seated, and so did he. Faith grasped for her courage and finally found it. “You can sleep in my room tonight. If you want.”

He raised his eyebrows in a subtle, wry gesture that said loud and clear that he most certainly wanted. Faith chuckled softly, and he smiled.

* * *

Faith was in bed when he tapped on the door later. She wore a dark green nightgown that left her shoulders and a good portion of her chest bare. Her skin gleamed in the golden light of the lamp. Her dark hair was piled on her head, but some of the rebellious tendrils had escaped down her back and coiled at her shoulders. She was wearing glasses and reading a publication called the American Journal of Veterinary Research. He paused next to the door, his body going on instant alert at the tempting sight she made.