“Kissed you?” Her eyes almost bugged out of her head. “And you didn’t tell me? When did this happen? Was there tongue? Was he any good?” She groaned. “Of course he was good; it’s Cameron Chase for Christ’s sake.”

“Flick.” I gave her a pointed look. “Breathe.”

“I… wow.” A dreamy expression washed over her. “He kissed you.” Her expression changed to a smug one. “I knew it. I knew he wanted you.”

“Have you forgotten what he did to me?”

“Foreplay, Sista. I’m telling you, it’s all foreplay.”

“You have a very strange view of the world.”

“I’m just saying, being a grade A asshole comes hand in hand with being a Raider. Those guys are… well, they’re a law unto themselves. It’s just how it is. You know Coach has all these rules about them dating and girls being a distraction.”

“So that gives them license to sleep with half the girls at school and never call them again?” My brow rose. I wasn’t buying into it, no way.

“That’s not what I’m saying, but the whole town puts them on this pedestal. It’s no wonder they’re the way they are when you think about it.”

“Is there something you need to tell me?” I flipped the tables on her.

“What? No!” She blushed and alarm bells rang out in my head. “I’m just saying…”

“Sounds a lot like you’re defending them if you ask me.”

“Oh, stop.” Flick shot me a bemused look. “Everyone knows the guys on the team are manwhores. They don’t date, they don’t fall, and they certainly don’t kiss girls for the sake of kissing them.” It was her turn to raise a brow.

“They kiss girls for the sake of it all the time.”

“Where did Cameron kiss you?”

“W- what?” I gawked at her, feeling myself grow hot.

“Answer the question, Hails.”

“Where do you think he kissed me? On the mouth, dumbass.” Although I couldn’t deny the idea of him kissing me in other places had me pressing my knees together. Get a grip Hailee Raine. You hate him, remember? Hate. Him.

“No, I mean where did he kiss you? At a party? In the hall at school? At home? In your bedroom? Dumbass.”

“I… hmm… in the janitor’s closet at school.”

“Oh, this just keeps getting better.” Flick smirked, amusement dancing in her eyes. “And how, pray tell, did you end up in the janitor’s closet with him?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Doesn’t matter? Are you freaking kidding me? I think it matters; I think it matters a whole lot. You like him, don’t you?”

Like him?

I didn’t like Cameron Chase.

I hated him with every fiber of my being.

“I’m not talking about this anymore,” I said, stuffing a handful of fries into my mouth.

“Fine, but I know there’s more to it. And just remember, Hails, the truth will come out, it always does.”

An hour later, Flick had finally given up on the idea of there being more between me and Cameron. My silent treatment every time she brought him up probably had something to do with it.

“Hotties at two o’clock.” She side-eyed the cute guys who had just walked in as we played air hockey. “The blond is cute,” my best friend was still staring in their direction.