“Shit, Dad, I already told you I can take care of him. I can speak to Coach and maybe figure—”

“Cameron, it’s senior year.” He sighed, barely able to meet my eyes. “This year is important, Son. And Xander likes being with Katie. I know you’re capable of helping, but this is important to us. Your future is important to us.”

“How is she, Dad?” I forced the words out over the lump in my throat. “Really?”

He dragged a hand down his face letting out an exasperated breath. “Your mom is going to be fine, Son. Just fine. This new doctor is on the ball; they’re adjusting her meds and running some tests. I have a good feeling about things.”

“Good, that’s good.” Because God only knew we needed a break.

“I just need you to focus on school and football, Cameron.” He approached me. “Promise me you’ll do that?” Dad squeezed my shoulder and I managed a small nod.

“I promise.” It came out strangled. Because what else could I do?

But as Dad said goodbye and went to find Mom and Xan, I couldn’t shake the feeling there was something he wasn’t telling me.


“Morning, sweetheart.” Mom was busy making breakfast when I finally traipsed downstairs. “Don’t forget we have to go pick out the wedding photos on Wednesday.”

I silently groaned. “Great.” Why I’d been roped into doing it when it should have been something a husband did with his new wife, was beyond me. But Kent was busy, suggesting I go in his place.

“Hailee Raine, can you at least try to pretend to be interested. This is important to me.”

“I know, Mom, I just…” Pressing my lips together, I swallowed the words I wanted to say and forced a smile. “Wednesday sounds great. Can I bring Flick?”

“I already told Mr. Fetton to expect the three of us.” She knew me so well. “So how was your weekend?” I detected a trace of suspicion in her tone.

“My weekend was fine.” It came out a little sharper than I intended.

I’d spent most of Saturday in my bedroom. Flick had come over and we’d watched cheesy horror movies and binged on junk food; then yesterday, I’d worked on a couple of art projects.

Mom inclined her head, studying me. “Are you sure? You seem—”

“I’m fine.” I smiled again.

“Because if something happened—”

“Nothing happened, Mom.” It was possible she’d heard about the pep rally; rumors flew around our town quicker than lightning, but no way was I going to bring it up. I wanted to forget all about it.

“Okay.” She conceded, something catching her eye over my shoulder. “Good morning, Jason.”

I went rigid but didn’t glance back to greet my step-brother. I hadn’t seen him all weekend, and after Friday night, I really didn’t want to. It might not have been his hands that grabbed me in the stadium and humiliated me, but I knew he put Cameron up to it. And like a good little lap dog, he’d followed his master’s orders.

My muscles tensed as I braced myself for his smug remark about it. But it never came. Instead, he offered Mom a curt, “Morning,” not sparing me a second glance.


“Your dad already left,” Mom kept her voice breezy.

“Got it.” Jason grabbed an energy bar and one of his protein drinks and left. He didn’t shoot me a scathing look or mouth any insults behind my mom’s back.

It was certainly a first, and it had me more on edge than ever.

Mom sagged against the counter, releasing a heavy sigh. “He doesn’t make it easy, does he?” Sadness washed over her features and I hated him a little bit more for making her feel bad.

“He’s… Jason.” I sipped my juice.

“I know, I know. He’s under a lot of pressure with the team and college. But I thought… I hoped maybe with the wedding and it being senior year and all, he would—”