“Noted.” Riley’s smirk morphed into an easy smile. “And you?” He flicked his head to Flick who blushed deeply.

“Me? I’m, uh, I’m very much... single,” she croaked out.

“But you’ll be keeping your dirty paws off her.” Asher threw his arm around Riley and pulled him away.

“If I didn’t know better,” Vaughn said as she took off after them. “I’d say my cousin has a crush.”

“Hey, man, you okay?” Cameron asked Jason who was rooted to the spot, watching Vaughn’s retreating form.

“What? Yeah, I’m good.” He glared at Flick. “You know she’s joking, right? Ash doesn’t want you. He just likes playing with you.”

“I...” She snapped her mouth shut, embarrassment burning her cheeks.

“Jason don’t be such a dick,” I scolded.

“Yeah, man, come on. We only have one night,” Cameron added. “Let’s try to all get along.”

“Whatever,” he grumbled before stalking off after Asher and his cousins.

“Are you okay?” I asked Flick.

“Please, I’m fine.” She smiled but it was forced. “Come on, we should keep up with them.” Flick brushed past us and hurried after them.

“That was... weird.”

“Don’t worry about Jase,” Cameron said, “He’s just pissed his best friend is shacking up with his sister.”

“You make it sound so romantic.” I leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips.

“Later,” Cameron breathed. “Later, I’m going to kiss every single inch of you.”

“Is that a promise?” My fingers twisted into his sweater, and he smiled.

“It is.”

“I look forward to it.” I stole another kiss. “Come on, before we lose them.”

“Wait.” He snagged my wrist. “What Asher said earlier, about the thing.”

“The thing?” I vaguely recalled Asher asking Cameron if he’d told me about the thing, but I’d been too busy taking in the view of the city.

“Yeah.” Cameron’s throat bobbed. “I decided where I’m committing to.”

My heart fluttered. “You did?”

“I did.”

“It’s okay,” I said over the lump in my throat. We hadn’t talked about it much, our relationship was new and I didn’t want to make any assumptions. “Wherever you go, we’ll make it work.”

“Good, because I chose Michigan.”

“Michigan... as in...”

A slow smile broke over his face as he nodded. “Is that okay?”

“You’re going to go to school in Michigan?”

“If you want—”