Twisting his body to me, he let out a long sigh. Kids had already started to notice us, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before the entire school had heard, if they hadn’t already after our date at The Alley last night.

“Hailee, look at me.” My eyes slowly slid to his. “I love you. Nothing anyone does or says will change that.”

Butterflies fluttered wildly in my stomach. I didn’t think I’d ever get used to hearing him say those words. Even if I hadn’t said them back yet.

A loud knock startled us, and Asher pressed his face up against Cameron’s window. “Are you guys going to sit in there all morning?”

Cameron groaned. “I’m sorry.” He mouthed at me, and I chuckled softly.

“Me and Fee are waiting.”

That had me craning my head around Cameron to find Flick standing to Asher’s side, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Shouldering the door, I climbed out of the truck and went around to meet my best friend.

“Hi,” she said giving me a small smile. “This is... what is this exactly?”

I went to reply, but Cameron climbed out and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back against his chest. “Me and Hailee are together now.”

Flick grinned while Asher’s eyes almost bugged out of his head. “Together, together? Or like fuck buddies together, because I thought—” His lips flattened at whatever Cameron was mouthing to him.

I glanced back at Cameron and he dipped his head, capturing my lips in a soft kiss. “I apologize now for anything that might come out of his mouth.”

“I heard that,” Asher grumbled.

“You were supposed to.”

“Not that I’m not happy for you,” he went on. “I am, but does Jase know about this?”

Cameron’s arm tightened around me as he said, “It doesn’t matter.”

Asher looked past me to his best friend. “There is so much I want to say but, oh... speak of the devil.”

We all turned in the direction he was looking to find Jason walking toward school with some of the guys from the team. As if he felt us watching, his eyes found us across the lawn, locking on me and Cameron. Everything slowed down: the stream of kids walking into the building, the incessant chatter and laughter, the oxygen filtering around my body. I’d known things would be awkward, but I hadn’t expected it to feel like a new line was being drawn between us. I could practically feel the shift in the air, the invisible wall being erected between us. Me, Flick, Cameron, and Asher one side; and Jason on the other.

I shuddered at the realization.

“Hey,” Cameron’s voice anchored me back to him. “It’ll be okay; he’ll come around.” He kissed my cheek.

Flick glanced at me nervously and I offered her a weak smile. But it was Asher who broke the stifling tension. “Well,” he said. “I guess it’s you and me, Fee, baby.” He slung his arm around my best friend, who shot me a ‘help’ expression. A smile tugged at my mouth. It was a shame she had friend-zoned him for her mystery guy because despite Asher’s manwhore tendencies, they made a seriously cute couple. But I had enough to worry about without getting involved in my best friend’s love life.

“Are you ready?” I asked Cameron quietly, but of course Asher overhead.

“Ready? Ready for what?”

Cameron’s expression fell as he said, “I have to talk to Coach.”

We survived the day at school. After the rumor mill almost exploded with news of me and Cameron, things settled down. But I was going to have to get used to my newfound popularity now I was with a Raider.

With a Raider. There was something I never thought I’d say.

“What are you smiling at?” Cameron asked me as he met me outside class.

“Oh nothing.” I smirked, letting him take the pile of books from me. “But having a boyfriend has its uses.”

We stopped by my locker and I traded the books I needed for homework with the ones in Cameron’s arms. When I was done, I found myself crowded against the locker bank, stormy gray-blue eyes fixed right on me. The hall was emptying, but a few kids watched us with mild curiosity and amusement.

“We have an audience.” My hands slid up his chest as I flicked my head to the group of junior girls openly gawking in our direction.

“We should probably give them something to talk about then.” Cameron closed the distance between us