“What?” I pushed.

“And you happened.”


“Yeah. That first day of semester, I saw you and it was like I was seeing you for the first time again.”

“Cameron…” I ducked my head, my cheeks burning.

“Hey, don’t hide from me, Hailee.” His fingers slid under my jaw coaxing me back to him. “Don’t ever hide.”

“I just… this, us, it wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“But it did, and I meant what I said, the only thing I regret is that it didn’t happen sooner.” He tucked me into his chest, running his hand up and down my back, eliciting shivers up my spine.


“Yes, Sunshine?”

“Kiss me.”

His hand glided up to my face, angling my head back so I could see his gray-blues glittering at me. He smiled warmly, setting

off a legion of butterflies in my tummy, and said, “That I can do.”


I tugged at the collar of my shirt. It was a dark gray color, rolled up at the sleeves; worlds away from my usual football jersey or polo shirt. But I wanted tonight to be perfect which is why I’d called Flick asking her for some advice.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Hailee’s door, praying to God she opened it and not her mom, or even worse Mr. Ford. It swung open and my heart skipped a beat. Hailee stood there in a denim skirt, a white t-shirt that scooped low on her chest, and wedged sneakers. Her dirty blonde hair was piled high on her head, her glasses keeping the loose strands off her face. It was simple, understated, but I’d never seen anything more beautiful.

“Hey,” I finally said finding my voice. “I got you these.” Thrusting the box of brownies at her, I rubbed the back of my neck.

“Have you been speaking to Flick again?” Her brow quirked up.

“Maybe.” I smiled. “She mentioned you liked them when I came by... but we didn’t get around to eating them.”

Hailee’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, her eyes darkening. I leaned in, unable to resist the pull, and kissed her cheek. “I missed you.” I grazed my lips against her ear, and her fingers curled into my shirt, dragging me closer.

“It’s only been a few hours.” She turned her head slightly, her lips hovering over mine. Electricity crackled between us, the hairs on my arms standing to attention, along with other places. I was so gone for this girl, I might as well have handed over my heart and my balls in a neat little package and told her to give them back when she was done with them.

Stealing a quick kiss, I pulled away putting some distance between us. “We should probably get going, I made a reservation.”

“You did?” Her mouth curved and I couldn’t resist dipping my head to claim her lips again.

“You look beautiful, Sunshine.”

“Cam...” Hailee sighed against my mouth, the soft noise a direct line to my dick. “Are you sure you don’t just want to stay in?” Her arms looped around my neck.

I wanted nothing more than to take her up to her room and sink deep inside her, to lose myself in her, but I also wanted us to go out, to enjoy a night together before next week.

“We need this.” I smiled against her. “Besides, I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight tonight.”

Hailee pulled back, frowning. “I can’t stay out all night.”

“Is your mom or Kent going have a problem with it?”

“Well, no, I don’t think so, but—”