“Morning.” I peeked an eye open, fighting a smile as I stretched my body, my legs brushing his making my tummy clench.

“I was almost scared to wake up, in case last night was a dream.” His eyes lit up with emotion.

Emotion I didn’t want to get too lost in. Not yet. Not when there was still so much going on around us.

“Come here.” Cameron dragged my body closer to his, igniting a fire in my belly. “I could get used to this,” he said.

Burying my face in the crook of his shoulder, I let myself enjoy the moment. I was in Cameron’s bed… again. And it didn’t feel awkward or strange or like I was making a dreadful mistake, one I’d regret later.

It felt right.

“Thank you.” His voice coaxed me out of his chest, and I gazed up at him. “For coming after me last night, thank you.” Cameron touched his head to mine, inhaling a shaky breath.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” Looping my arm around his shoulder, I breathed him in, the lingering scent of sex flooding my senses. “Should we expect a visit from Xander any minute?” I asked.

“He had a sleepover at Katie’s, but I should probably warn you my mom and dad are home.” My eyes widened and he smiled against my cheek. “Is that going to be a problem?”

“I don’t know; you tell me.”

“I want them to meet you,” he blurted out, gently pulling away to see my reaction.

“I already met your—”

“I mean officially, Hailee. I want to introduce you to them as my girl.”

His girl?

“Don’t look so worried. This is a good thing.” Cameron stole a kiss from me while I was still reeling from his words.

His girl.

He’d called me his girl.

“But Jason—”

“Will have to get over it. Life’s too short, Sunshine. I realize that now. You never know what’s around the corner and I’m not about to waste another second worrying about what Jase might or might not say because I’m in love with his step-sister.”

“In love…” I choked out. “You love me?” My heart was going to burst out of my chest. He lo

oked so calm, so normal, and I was having an internal conniption.

Cameron’s lip curved, breaking into a wide smile as he chuckled. “You hadn’t figured it out by now? I am completely,”—he kissed me—“and utterly.” Kiss. “Ass over elbow in love with you, Hailee Raine.”



His brow quirked up. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words. I don’t know whether to be flattered or mildly concerned.” Amusement danced in his eyes.

“I- I think I need a minute.”

“Should I…” He thumbed to the door and began to untangle himself from the sheets, but I wrapped myself around him, dragging him back to the bed. “Wait.”

“Wait?” he smirked. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Cameron,” I chided. “You can’t just spring something like this on me and expect me to be okay with it.”

“Well, I was kind of hoping you might feel the same…” He left the words hanging between us as he dipped his head, capturing my lips again. Rolling me onto my back, Cameron pressed the lines of our bodies together, erasing any space—and doubts—from between us.