“Okay,” I replied despite my mind screaming, ‘no, no, no’.

“Although it would’ve been a helluva lot more fun if we had dates,” she added, and I elbowed her in the ribs. “I’m your date.”

“I know, and honestly, I wouldn’t want it any other way, Sista.” She grinned at me. “Now what do you say, we go in there with our heads held high and have some fun?”

“Are you sure you don’t want to ditch and hang out with Jude and Toby instead?” I knew he’d been texting her. Toby had sent me a few texts here and there too, only I got the impression he was a little wary now he knew who my step-brother was. But it was probably for the best. Toby was nice, and we’d hit it off, but he didn’t set off a legion of butterflies in my stomach. He wasn’t the guy consuming my every thought.

My body thrummed with nervous energy at the idea of seeing Cameron. All week we’d danced around one another; watching each other across the cafeteria, sitting close but not touching in history, and there had been another moment, Wednesday after practice, when I’d caught him looking at my mouth. Whatever this thing between us was, it was building. Growing into something more with every passing day. I knew it was dangerous getting tangled up with him; he was Jason’s best friend. And I wasn’t naïve enough to think he would ever be okay with me and Cameron. But I couldn’t seem to stop myself either. I craved him. Craved the way he made me feel. The thrill of getting caught.

It was official, I was completely head over heels in lust with Cameron Chase. And he was in there, no doubt looking more drool-worthy than ever. He’d joked more than once about me saving him a dance. Granted, we probably wouldn’t be able to have said dance because of my asshole brother, but just knowing he wanted to dance with me was enough.

Wasn’t it?

Flick grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the door. With every step the beat of the music inside mirrored my own heartbeat. Boom. Boom. Ba-boom. “You’re nervous.” She observed.

“No, I’m not. I’m just pissed you had me wear this dress.”

“The dress looks hot, just like your hair and makeup. Now stop worrying. It’s a dance. It’s supposed to be fun.”

Fun, right.

I could totally do fun.

But as we stepped inside, I was fourteen all over again, watching my date kiss another girl. Except Cameron wasn’t kissing the girl he was talking to. But they did look pretty close; her hand on his arm as she smiled up at whatever he was saying. Flick noticed and yanked me in the other direction, an amused smile playing on her lips.

We found the bar—really, it was just a long table and Mr. Henderson dressed up in a tux making some funky looking drinks—and ordered two mocktails, and then went to sit at an empty table on the fringe of the dance floor. Khloe Stemson and the rest of the bitch squad were draped over their dates like cheap throws, but there wasn’t a football player in sight between them.

“I guess they’re still on the outs with Jason and the team.” Flick mused, sipping her liquor-less mojito.

“And the gym team are still in.” I flicked my head over to where Jason had Jenna Jarvis pressed up against the wall, attacking her neck with his mouth.

“She’s a skank,” Flick said coolly.

“Now who sounds jealous?”

“I mean just look at her. She knows he won’t commit, and yet she still throws herself at him at every opportunity.”

“Maybe it’s just sex.”

“Yeah right. Girls don’t have just sex. They tell themselves that to make themselves feel better. But sex for girls comes with feelings. It’s simple biology.”

“Hmm.” I held up a finger. “I had sex without feelings.”

“That’s different.” She screwed up her face. “You’re wired different.”

“Hey.” I swatted her arm. “I could have easily caught feelings for Austin, but after the sex, I realized it wasn’t something I was in any hurry to do again.” I flashed her a playful grin and her sullen expression slipped.

“Was it really that bad?”

“It wasn’t good, that’s for sure.”

“So, why’d you do it?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to get it over with. And Austin had seemed nice at the time. It was so long ago, I’m probably revirginized.”

Flick laughed at that. “We’re a disaster. You’re throwing Cameron death stares because he’s talking to a girl, and I’m sitting here talking about sex when I have barely made it to third base with a guy.” She groaned, dropping her head on the table.

“Come on, it’s not all bad. Maybe you and Jude will...”