“Water,” I said. “I need water.” The air was different in New York. Thick and humid, it clung to your skin and made your lungs tight.

“Get me a bottle.”

“Okay.” I trailed my fingers over his jaw, heat flooding me as I remembered how intense it had been between us when we got back to the penthouse.

Pulling on Cameron’s shirt, I quickly buttoned it up just in case anyone was still awake, although given the state of Jason, Flick, Asher, and his cousins last night, I doubted anyone would be.

Padding quietly into the hall, I hurried to the kitchen and got two bottles of water out of the refrigerator, pausing when I heard a noise. My heart leaped into my throat and I silently chastised myself. It was probably just someone snoring. But as I tiptoed back into the hall, I heard it again. A gentle creak. A muffled moan. My eyes strained against the darkness to find the source of the noise, only to be met with closed door after closed door. Until my eyes landed on the bedroom Flick had taken. The door was slightly ajar. She’d drunk a lot last night. Maybe she was sick? I hurried to her door, pausing outside. A muted sob pierced the air and I stepped into the room. “Flick, are you—”

A naked ass greeted me.

Jason’s naked ass as he thrust into my friend.

“Oh my god,” I breathed just as Flick’s eyes snapped to mine over his shoulder.

“Hails,” she cried, eyes wide with surprise and hazy with lust. Her body closed in on itself as Jason cussed under his breath, before rolling off my best friend.

My best friend.

... and my step-brother.


I turned on my heel and got the hell out of there. Cameron had been right. Something was going on.

Something between the two of them.

One of the people I loved most in the world.

And one of the people I hated most.

Life had just got a whole lot more complicated.