“And what about you?” I asked, uncertain whether this was water I wanted to tread. “Does she get under your skin?”

He shrugged, playing it cool. But I saw the tightness around his jaw. He liked her. Fuck. “Doesn’t matter,” he said. “She’s not into me.”

“And she’s into Jase?”

“I’m not sure. She says she isn’t, but I catch her watching him sometimes with this look in her eye, and I’m pretty sure something happened with them the other week at my house.”

“What look?”

Asher expelled a shaky breath as he gripped the rail. “The look you used to give Hailee. The same look that says you want something even though you know it’s a really fucking bad idea.”

“It worked out for us, didn’t it?”

He laughed at that, but it was full of bitterness. “You’re the exception to the rule. Besides, you’re not a cruel bastard like Jase. He’d tear Fee apart with his teeth and then feast on her bones just because he could.” His jaw clenched. “And yet, my money says before the semester’s out she lets him fuck her.”

“Maybe she just needs to know there are other options on the table.” I gave him a hard look.

“Maybe.” Something flashed over his face, but he quickly schooled it. “Are we going down there before some stuck-up city suit steals your girl right out from under your nose?”

My eyes zeroed in on Hailee again. Asher was right, two guys were moving in on them. “Let’s go,” I said, draining my beer and slamming it on the ledge.

We made our way downstairs, weaving through the sea of bodies. I instantly locked eyes with the fucker watching Hailee. His eyes widened and then narrowed when I stepped up behind her, sliding my arm around her waist.

“Hey,” she mouthed over her shoulder at me.

“I missed you.” I kissed the tip of her nose before tangling our hands together and resting them on her stomach. The guy sneered before stalking off. I glanced over at Asher who threw me an amused smirk as he pulled Flick into his arms. She went willingly, a sloppy smile plastered on her face.

“How drunk is Felicity?” I asked Hailee as she rolled her hips against me, sending a trail of electricity zipping through me.

“Asher will look after her,” she yelled over the music.

That was precisely what I was worried about.

“I’m not sure—” Hailee spun in my arms, slamming her mouth to mine. My hands slid down her back, finding the curve of her ass. She looked like sin in the skin-tight black sweater dress and kitten heels that made her legs appear longer.

Our tongues swirled together, slow lazy licks, mirroring the way our bodies moved. I didn’t make a habit of dancing, but for Hailee I’d walk over hot coals. There was something magnetic about her. And I was completely powerless against her charms.

“Take me home, Cameron,” she moaned against my lips. “I need you.”


I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and get the hell out of here, but the night was still young and there was Felicity and my friends to consider. Although she and Asher looked more than at home wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Later,” I said, stealing another kiss. “Felicity wanted to make the most of the night.”

Hailee’s eyes darkened as she gazed up at me. “I love you.” She fought a smile. “I love you so much.”

I pulled her close, emotion punching my stomach. Hailee wrapped her arms around my waist and held on tight as we swayed, dancing to our own beat.

Only weeks ago, my future had been uncertain, a black cloud hanging over me, blotting out all the light. But now I had everything I ever wanted. I had the team, and State was within our grasp. Mom was doing as well as could be expected given the circumstances. And I had a girl who loved me unconditionally.

I was a lucky son of a bitch. But if the last few weeks had taught me anything, it was not to take anything for granted.

And I intended on making the most of my life—starting with the girl in my arms.


“Where are you going?” Cameron murmured, his hand reaching for me as I tried to untangle myself from the sheets.