Because while everything was falling to shit around me, I couldn’t tell him.

I couldn’t say the words even if I wanted to.

“I’m fine, Coach,” I choked out, feeling the weight of the lie heavy on my chest. “I’ll be fine.”

His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Let’s go then. We’ve got a game to win Friday.” Coach clapped me on the back, and I jerked forward, my eyes skirting over to where Hailee sat all alone. I wanted to go over there. To apologize for yesterday and explain everything, but what was the point? She’d barely looked at me all morning, her walls higher than ever.

I’d finally gotten my moment with her, only to have it ripped away from me in the blink of an eye.

And it sucked.

“Chase, let’s go,” Coach snapped, and I shook my head, ridding myself of the thoughts. I wanted Hailee. I wanted her so fucking much. But I wanted a lot of things. College. A football scholarship. A bright future.

But sometimes dreams didn’t come true.

Sometimes they went up in flames and there was nothing you could do but try to avoid the burn.

“Okay, I gotta ask, what the fuck is going on with you and Jase?” Ash slammed his hand against the locker next to mine, blocking my exit.

“Not in the mood,” I said, cutting him with a hard look.

“Tough shit because I tried asking him and he almost bit my head off. So now I’m asking you. And don’t give me any of that, ‘everything is fine’ bullshit. I was at practice. I saw you fumble the ball like a pro. Let’s not forget the fact the two of you looked ready to throw down.”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it.” I spotted Hailee out of the corner of my eye and leaned back against the locker bank, following her with my eyes. She didn’t look at me; she didn’t have to. I felt her ‘stay the fuck away from me’ vibes from where I was standing.

“What’s happening there?” Ash’s voice cut through my trance. “Because I’m sensing some serious dark juju from her.”

“Beats me.” I shrugged, ducking around him and following Hailee down the hall.

“So, the two of you are—”

“Nothing.” I winced, my chest squeezing. We weren’t nothing. We were something.

Only I wasn’t sure we were anymore.

“Jeez, getting answers from you is like prying Mackey off of Khloe’s tits.”

“So quit asking.”

“Come on, man, this is me. I know something went down between you and Jase and I’d bet my inheritance it has something to do with her.” He jabbed his finger at Hailee’s retreating form.

“It’s not my story to tell.” I picked up the pace.

“What the hell does that mean?” he called after me, but I was too focused on the girl ahead of me. She veered to the left away from the flow of kids heading for the cafeteria and headed toward the arts department.

“Hailee,” I shouted as she was about to disappear through the doors.

“Go away, Cameron.” She didn’t even glance back at me. She might as well have ripped out my heart and stomped all over it.

“I just want to talk, please.” I need to talk.

“I’m busy. I have to work on the project.”

Screw the damn project, I wanted to say. I need you.

“Please,” my voice cracked, betraying me but it got her attention. Slowly Hailee turned to face me, her brows knitted together. “What, Cameron?”

“I...” the words lodged in my throat. “I’m sorry.”