“Before this, he seemed a good man,” Abuelita said.

“He was.”

“He cared for your family. He cared for you. He made you happy. Lo amas?”

Did I love him?

That was the question, wasn’t it?

“I thought I did,” I admitted. “But now, I don’t know. I’m just so mad. Everything was stolen.”

“You have time,” Abuelita said, taking my hand in hers and squeezing. “You do not have to decide today. Go to this award ceremony. See what the world says about this wine you have worked so hard on. See how you feel about this man. Decide if it’s worth living without him.”

When I returned home, Blaire was still gone, but there was a familiar truck in the driveway. I tipped my head back and groaned. Just what I needed to deal with.

Hollin hopped out of his truck as soon as I got out and followed me toward the door. “Piper, please, can we talk?”

“I’m not up for talking.”

“I found out about the winery.”

I ground my teeth together. “Okay.”

“I can’t believe that your dad sold it out from under you.”

“Yep,” I snapped.

“The guys found out at the game, and I raced over here to talk to you. When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me?”

I laughed, a sharp, bitter note. “Why didn’t I tell you? Because you were occupied with Tori. That’s why.”


“Chase blurted it out at the wedding. He thought I already knew. And when I was hyperventilating and needed you most, where did I find you?”

He cursed under his breath again. “I fucked up. I really fucked up, Piper. I need to apologize…again…for what happened. Blaire told me that you hadn’t left the house, and—”

“Stop,” I said, holding up my hand. “Blaire did not tell you that so you would come grovel.”

“No. She chewed me a new one at the game.”

“Yeah. You’re lucky she needed you at the game. She was threatening violence.”

“I deserve it. Piper, I’m sorry.”

I finally faced him when I reached the door, but I didn’t go inside. God, he was handsome. Even though he looked about as good as I felt. He was sweaty from the soccer game and still in his red Tacos uniform. His blond hair was a wreck. There were bags under his eyes from sleepless nights. But his blue eyes were so sincere, so heartfelt. I wanted to melt into that look. To get lost in the Hollin Abbey who had been my wonderful boyfriend these past months. But I remembered too viscerally how he’d hurt me the way I’d always expected that he would.

And I remembered what it was to put up walls against his charms. I’d been so good at deflecting Hollin that it was basically my superpower. I needed that resolve more than ever to live through this.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

“It was my mistake. Tori manipulated me for years. And she was still able to do it now. I should have seen what she was doing, and still, somehow, I was all fucked up with it. I can’t do things right when it comes to her. Which is why I cut her and everyone else who knew me when I was with her out of my life. It was the only way I knew how to move forward. Even Julian and Campbell had no clue we’d dated. Only you even had any idea that I had an ex-girlfriend.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from sympathizing with him. Tori sounded like a total headcase. She’d wormed her way into my life so seamlessly, too, without ever mentioning that she’d dated my boyfriend. And betrayed me just as quickly.

“I’m going to get better. Julian recommended a therapist to help me recover from her emotional abuse. I feel stupid that I even have to go, but he said she’s the real deal.” He ran a hand back through his hair. “And I’m not just saying this to get you back.”

“No?” I asked, my voice wobbling.

“I’m going either way. Apparently, how I’ve been coping with the trauma is…problematic.” He met my gaze with a frown. “To say the least.”

“Good. I’m glad you’re going,” I told him honestly. I crossed my arms across my chest and held tight to my anger. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you hid her contacting you from me, or that you went to see her, or that when I needed you, you weren’t there. I can’t switch off the betrayal, Hollin.”

“I know. I know. Fuck.” He stepped away from me and back. “I wish I could take it all back. Have a do-over.”

“Yeah, me too,” I whispered. “But…you can’t.”

“Are you still going to Austin?” he asked.

I could see that he barely restrained himself from asking if I was going with him. Because that was too much to ask for.

“Yeah. I’ll be there.”