She was standing outside with the sun beating down on her shoulders when I came up beside her. She jumped slightly. “Hollin.”

“Hey, Piper.” I nodded at her grandma. “Nina.”

“Hello again. Are you here to sweep me off my feet?” Nina asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Always. Where shall I sweep you?”

“Alas, nowhere.” She laughed and winked at Piper. “Have fun, amorcita.”

“Can I help you get to where you’re going?” I asked quickly.

“I can still make it on my own,” she said with a smile. “Gracias.”

Then, she released Piper’s arm and walked hesitantly away. She still could manage on her own, but I wondered for how much longer.

“Had a good time at the party last night,” I told her.

“I noticed. You got pretty drunk. I’m surprised you’re even on your feet.” The words weren’t exactly flat, but there was none of the warmth in them from yesterday. As if she were bracing herself against me.

“It was touch and go,” I said with a smile.

“Well, I should…” She gestured vaguely away.

I reached for her. “Wait, before you do.” I took a deep breath. “Do you want to go out with me?”

She looked up at me as if she couldn’t understand the words out of my mouth. “Why?”

“Why do most people date, Piper?”

“You don’t date though.”

“I want to date you,” I told her with an easy smile.


I heard the word out of her mouth. I understood what it meant. And yet I didn’t understand it at all. No? After the last couple of weeks together? After we’d connected all night?


“That’s what I said.”

“But why?” I asked stubbornly.

“I don’t owe you an explanation.”

“I know,” I said, breathing out. “I know you don’t. I just don’t understand. I thought we had something yesterday. We keep ending up right back here.”

She shook her head. “This is a bad idea, Hollin.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“You don’t want to date me.”

“Yes, I do. I’m telling you quite clearly that I do.”

“We both know how this goes. Three dates, and then you get bored and move on.”

I blew out a harsh breath. “Yes, I’ve gone on three dates with people and broken up with them. But the three-date rule doesn’t actually exist. It’s something the guys use to make fun of me. It’s a joke, Piper.”

“It’s a joke because it’s reality,” she said, stepping backward. “I don’t want you to hurt me. I don’t want you to use me.”

“Use you? That doesn’t even make sense. I’m speaking plainly here. So, you’re mad at me for sleeping around, and now, you’re mad at me for wanting more? Which is it?”

“Both!” She crossed her arms. “It’s both. Because I don’t trust you.”

“I’m not going to hurt you, Piper. Come on. At least give me a chance.”

She stepped away. “I’m sorry. But no.”

“You’re scared,” I said, pushing toward her as she walked away from me.

I should have let her go, but I couldn’t. She wasn’t even making sense. I’d hurt other people before. But that didn’t mean I was going to hurt her. I’d never pursued a girl like this before. It was different. She had to realize.

“How do I change your mind?”

“You can’t.”

I pulled her to a stop again. “Look, do you think this is normal for me? That I have to pursue a girl like this? I’m not doing it because I want to see you hurt. I’m doing it because I like you, Piper. I like you, and I think you like me, too. So, why are you running away scared?”

“Because I’ve seen you over the last five years,” she said, yanking away from me. Her eyes were wide and guileless. Not angry, but sad. “I want someone who is serious, who cares about me, who wants me for more than a few dates. And you haven’t proven that you’re that person ever. Not ever. You don’t know my favorite flower or what I like to eat for lunch or any of my favorite songs.”

“We date to learn that, Piper.”

“Do you know that information about anyone you’ve ever dated?”

I winced. There was one girl, but I wasn’t ready to even mention her. And the ones since her…well, they were mostly a blur.

She huffed. “Exactly. You don’t care about the girls that you date. And I won’t be just another one of them. You don’t know anything about me. So, how could you possibly like me?”

I ran a hand back through my hair in irritation. She was wrong. She was so wrong. I might not know stupid flowers or food or a song. But I did know her. I knew her way better than she thought I did.

“I know that you love the land like I do. You love your winery like I do. You love your people like I do. You’re fiery and caring and smart and determined and not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. So, maybe I don’t know the other stuff, but that’s enough for me.”