“With you?” I stammered out.

“I would be going, yes. He’s my brother.”

I stared at the pass with blatant desire. I wanted that pass. I loved Cosmere’s music. I wasn’t as into it as Jennifer and Annie. They’d always been obsessed. But I knew all their songs and loved to listen to their latest album. Even if critics were saying it wasn’t as good as the last. Plus, backstage. I had never been backstage at a show before. Or in a box for that matter. Both were big dreams of mine. Still…it was Hollin.

“I’m not going on a date with you,” I said stiffly, still eyeing the pass.

“You sure?”

“If that’s the requirement to go, then have a nice time.” I took a step away from him, but he grasped my elbow. He was laughing.

“Christ, Piper, I’m kidding.” He stuffed the pass in my hand. “I know you love Cosmere. You’re coming with us.”

I gingerly took it in my fingers and stared down at it. “What’s the catch, Hollin?”

“You think so little of me?”

I arched an eyebrow. When had he shown me otherwise?

He shrugged. “Look, I’m inviting everyone. You’re the first person I saw. Actually,” he said, reaching into his pocket, “give these to Blaire and Jennifer when you get home. I was planning to invite them, too.”

Now, I had three backstage passes to the most anticipated concert of the year.

My eyes lifted to Hollin’s, and he grinned. That same fuck-me smile. But there was no catch. I was confused. And why did he have to look at me like he wanted to eat me alive? And I needed to cut down those thoughts. Right the fuck now.

“Well, thank you. I’ll…I’ll tell the girls.”

“Piper!” Campbell called as he barreled out of the church toward us, stopping right before the rain. “You’re coming to the show, right?”

“I just invited her,” Hollin said.

I held up the passes. “Thank you so much. This is incredible.”

Campbell sexily ruffled his hair. “Hey, it’s no problem. I want all y’all there.”

“Well, I’ll ask Blaire and Jennifer, too. I’m sure they’re free.”

Campbell’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “Blaire? You think she’ll go? I didn’t think she liked our music.”

My gaze shifted to Hollin, but he was looking pointedly at his brother. Something had happened with Blaire, but I had no idea what. Maybe some unrequited shit from high school. They’d been in the same grade in the same school, and everyone had loved Campbell, even then, from what I’d heard. But Blaire never talked about it. Not even to me, and I was her best friend.

“She’ll be there,” I told him. “How could she say no?”

Campbell grinned. It was an onstage smile. One he used for cameras and fans. “Good. I’m glad you’ll be there.” He patted Hollin on his back. “Come on, bro. I have some merchandise to pick up for Vail.”

Hollin grumbled under his breath, smacking his brother upside the head. “You’re an idiot.”

Campbell laughed and ducked under his arm. Hollin smiled at me. A real one this time. Then, he tipped his head at me and disappeared.

I stared down at the backstage passes in my hands. Next weekend was sure as hell going to be interesting.

Part II

Bad Habits



My eyes were wide as I stood on the tarmac outside the hanger where the Wrights kept their private jet. Some part of me had known that the Wrights had their own jet. I’d heard it mentioned that Jensen Wright flew up to New York City on the regular to see his son. That Jordan and Annie had flown to Seattle in it. Still, somehow, I hadn’t known. And I’d certainly never thought I’d be on it.

But Jordan shrugged like it was nothing and said, “I got us the jet. It made more sense.”

I blinked at Blaire. “It just made sense.”

She cracked up and pushed me. “I’m not going to argue with him, are you?”


I slung my weekend bag over my shoulder and followed Blaire up the stairs onto the Wright jet. Dallas was five hours away. We would have needed two cars to get all of us there. This was a hundred percent preferable even if it felt ridiculous.

Jordan, Julian, Annie, and Jennifer were already on board when Blaire and I entered the plane. It was bigger than I’d imagined with a long couch and seats larger than ones I’d seen in first class of most commercial planes. A flight attendant stored our bags and offered us drinks.

“Oh, I’ll have a Bombay and lime,” Blaire said.

“Excellent,” the man said. “And for you?”

“Uh, just water.”

Blaire nudged me. “Free booze, Piper. Live a little.”

I laughed. “All right, fine. I’ll have what she’s having.”

“Coming right up.”

I’d just gotten my drink when Nora stepped onto the plane in crazy high heels. She handed off her bag and took the seat next to me.