“Yeah,” I said with a shrug and then leaned my head against his chest.

“So…who is Blaire’s date?”

I followed his gaze and found Blaire in a mint dress, dancing with a guy that I’d only seen from social media videos. “Ah, Nate King. Mr. Thirst Trap.”

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“Yeah, he takes videos of himself, like pulling up his shirt and winking at the camera.”

Hollin gave me an incredulous look. “Porn?”

I snorted. “No. Just like TikTok and Instagram and such. They met online. He lives in Midland, and they went on a date this week. She asked him to the wedding as a joke, and he said yes.”

“My brother sure doesn’t look pleased,” Hollin noted.

Campbell sure as hell didn’t look happy. He looked hot as hell though. I’d only seen him in his regular attire, which usually meant ripped jeans and leather jackets. But today, he was in a crisp black suit and tie. It had his own flair of eccentricity with gold trim and a shimmery gold pocket square. But still, it was the most put together I’d ever seen him.

He was currently glaring at my best friend’s back. As if she’d purposely decided to bring a date to thwart him. Though…maybe she had.

“Do you know what happened with them?” I asked Hollin.

He shook his head. “He blows me off when I ask him.”

“Blaire is the same way. She insists that Campbell didn’t even know who she was in high school.”

“Yeah, right. Not with that look.”

“I know. Maybe it’ll come to blows tonight, and we can finally find out.”

Hollin snorted. “He’s already on edge after what happened with Nora.”

“Yeah, fuck August.”

“No, thank you,” he said, pulling me away from Blaire and Nate and Campbell.

The first dance ended, and we applauded. The rest of the party went off without a hitch. The food was incredible, and the cake even better. I stood next to Hollin as the party did the Electric Slide.

“You’re not going to join?” he asked.

“I have limits, and a wedding line dance is it.”

He chuckled as he slid his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages. “That sounds right.”

I watched Blaire, Annie, and Sutton shimmying to the dance. Peyton was at the center of it all, teaching the dance to Aly, who picked it up like clockwork. Jennifer stood nearby, taking pictures as everyone got down.

“Piper, come on!” Annie called.

“Get out here!” Blaire said.

“Right now,” Peyton agreed.

Aly stomped her foot. “That’s an order.”

I snorted and shook my head. A second later, they all barreled off the dance floor toward me. “Oh God, save me.”

Hollin laughed. “Have a good time.”

“Ugh,” I groaned.

“I’m going to go down to the cellar. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

My friends grabbed my arms and dragged me out on the dance floor.

“Save me when you get back.”

He shook his head as they ordered me into the Electric Slide. I went along with the words with disdain as Hollin somehow got out of the entire thing. Typical.

Once the music ended, I hustled off the dance floor. Peyton waved but let me retreat. She could only pull that off once and get away with it.

Blaire plopped into a chair next to me and kicked up her feet. “Thanks for joining us.”

“It didn’t look like I had much choice.”

“What do you think about Nate?”

“He’s hot,” I told her. Nate was currently at the bar, talking to Jordan and Julian. “Seems to get along with everyone.”


“Pisses off Campbell.”

“What?” she peeped.

“You haven’t felt his gaze on you like a hot brand all night?”

Blaire rolled her eyes. “No way.”

“Are you ever going to tell me what happened with y’all?”

“Nothing,” she said automatically.

“Riiight,” I drawled.

“I’m here with Nate, and that’s all that matters.”

“If you say so.”

Blaire pinched her lips together. One day, I’d get the story out of her. One damn day.

Nate strode across the room and handed a drink to Blaire. “Bombay and lime.”

“Excellent.” She gestured to me. “Nate, this is my best friend, Piper.”

Nate King was tall, dark, and handsome. I’d stalked his social media videos after Honey had confessed that Blaire was talking to him. He was drop-dead gorgeous. It was no wonder he had a million followers, who liked to watch him dance and sing and wink at the camera. He and Blaire had done a few videos together and the results were staggering. Apparently, their joint audiences liked them together, too.

I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” he said with a disarming smile.

I could see why he got millions of likes and follows. The charisma oozed out of his pores.

A slow song came on the speakers, and Nate held his hand out. “Dance?”

She grinned excitedly and put her hand in his. He dragged her out on the floor and whirled her around the room. I was happy for her. It had been a long time since I’d seen my friend even consider dating.