The rest of our friends watched from the stands as we all set up to play. When I looked up at the audience, Tamara waved and called my name. I cringed and let my gaze shift to Piper. She’d settled onto the bleachers next to Jennifer and their other close friend, Sutton Wright. Her husband, David, was on the sidelines with his adopted son, Jason, while Sutton sat with their daughter, Madison. Jennifer was cooing at her while Piper looked on uncertainly. She was here. She was sitting with her friends. She was acting like nothing had happened. What the fuck?

Then, the whistle blew, and I had no more time to think about it. I dove into the game headfirst. Taking out the days of pent-up frustration on the opposing team. It was a little too much energy, considering the other team was terrible. By the end of the first half, we were up thirteen to one. Blaire pulled back to let August shoot since the score was so embarrassing.

I took a water break and glanced back at Piper. But she was no longer sitting next to Jennifer. She’d slid across her seat and was next to Chase. Jordan had moved away from him, so the two of them were alone. All alone and looking awfully chummy.

What the fuck were they talking about? Chase said something with this big smile on his face. Piper was laughing. She was laughing at whatever he’d said. They weren’t even touching, but already, I could see that she had none of the anger that I brought out in her. This was just Piper.

Piper flirting with Chase Sinclair.

My blood boiled.

“Hollin?” Julian called.

“I don’t like that guy,” I growled.

Julian looked up into the stands and grimaced. “Well, join the club. Us Wrights aren’t too fond of the Sinclairs either.”

Julian would know. He’d dated Ashleigh Sinclair before Jennifer. Before she’d gone off the deep end.

And even though I only needed a quarter of my brain to win this match, I played like we were in the finals. At one point, Isaac even came back to try to bench me if I didn’t calm the fuck down. He rarely got mad, but apparently, humiliating our opponents was his line.

At the end of the game, Piper was still sitting with Chase. And I was still pissed.

I ripped off my shin guards, tossed them into my bag, and took a long swig of my water bottle.

“So, pizza?” Blaire asked with a little dance. “We should celebrate.”

“It was a massacre,” August said. “I’ve never scored so much in my life.”

Nora leaned into him. “It was hot.”

He grinned. “Thanks, baby girl.”

“Can I invite Tamara, too?” Nora asked.

“Sure,” Blaire said.

I grimaced. Great. Just what I needed. Then, my gaze shifted as Piper dropped out of the stands to head over to Blaire. “Nice game.”

“Thanks! Pizza?” Blaire asked.

“Sure. I’m down.” And she had this bubbly excitement to her.

“I’ll pass,” Isaac said. “Need to get home to Peyton and Aly.”

Annie, Cézanne, and Gerome bowed out as well for work. Annie and Cézanne were on call, which always made the games up in the air if they’d be there at all. That left me, Julian, and Jennifer to go with Nora, August, Tamara, Blaire, and Piper.

“Sutton?” Blaire called. “Pizza?”

She groaned. “I’d kill for it. But the littles.” She gestured to her children.

“I can take care of it,” David said.

“You sure?” she asked.

“Go. Have fun.”

Sutton skipped forward. “I’m in. Pizza sounds divine.”

I wanted to talk to Piper, but she stayed purposefully away from me. There was never an opportunity that wouldn’t have been much too obvious for the company.

I ground my teeth together and left the parking lot. I followed behind Blaire’s shiny silver Lexus until we reached Capital Pizza, which was The Tacos’ typical after-game celebration. There were only two parking spots left by the time we got there. I pulled in next to Blaire with my door facing Piper in the passenger seat.

Blaire waved at me as I got out. She looked to Piper, who was stepping out of the car. “I’ll see y’all inside,” she chirped happily and then hightailed it away.

Piper crossed her arms. “What do you want?”

I slammed my door shut. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“Get over yourself. I haven’t been anywhere near you all week.”

“You’re near me now,” I growled, stepping into her personal space.

“And?” She tried to brush past me, but I put my arm out against my truck, blocking her way. “Real mature.”

“What were you and Chase talking about at the game?”

She rolled her eyes. “Why? Jealous?”

Was I? Yes, that was that unfamiliar feeling. That want that went straight to my balls. I ached for her. I wanted to crawl back under her skin. She drove me out of my mind. And I wanted to drive her out of hers.

“I don’t know why you’re denying your attraction to me.”