“We finally christened the rug.”

“Good choice, baby. Remind me to thank Erik next time he’s around.”


“Because this morning, you whipped your body around to sit on my face without ever losing my dick. Tonight, I fucked you hard in almost every position. I’m thinking his conditioning on Saturday mornings is the reason for your flexibility.”

“Isn’t it awesome?”

I smile against her hair. “It’s awesome.”

“Who do I thank for your stamina?”

“You’re irresistible. It’s impossible to control myself.”

She lets out a little purr, snuggling close. “Give me a few hours and we’ll test that theory further.”

“Looking forward to it.”



Breathe in, breathe out… deep breaths… You got this, Harley.

“You okay over there?”

“Yes,” I lie.

“Sounds like you’re doing those lammaz exercises,” Mike teases as he swings into the driveway already loaded with vehicles.

“Nope, clearing my head.”

“Do me a favor and don’t hyperventilate or faint. Knowing these guys like I do, they’ll beat each other to give mouth to mouth. I don’t think Ace would approve.”

“I’m not fainting!”

“Then get your ass out of the truck.” He eases out, waiting for me.

I grab the gift bag and join him. “I still don’t understand why you insisted I come today. These people don’t know me, and it’s a birthday celebration for the hostess. How awkward.”

“That’s exactly why you are with me. We’re breaking the ice, and you’ll understand nothing is awkward. They are down-to-earth people.”

“Yeah, if you consider world-famous, high demand, multi-millionaires down-to-earth.”

“Can’t wait for my little Harley to eat her words.” He opens the door without knocking.

A loud chorus erupts when he steps inside and immediately dies as all eyes come to me.

“MJ, man, didn’t know you were bringing a date,” someone yells.

He shakes his head at the same time a brunette rushes my way with an adorable toddler racing behind her.

“Harley,” she greets me with a dazzling smile.

I’m speechless. Words don’t form as I am face to face with Raven Collins.

She’s stunning. Anyone in the music scene knows the love story of Raven Hayes and Declan Collins. Their pictures and stories were plastered everywhere when Declan’s band, Sayge, started making it big and being recognized. Mike told me most of the stories were pure rumors, but there was some truth to the hardship their relationship endured.

To prepare for my new position, I’ve been studying Mike’s clients. There’s rarely a mention of Sayge without Raven. She’s termed the fifth member of the band.

Mike’s hand brushes my back and I snap to attention, all eyes on me. “Hi,” comes out more as a squeak, and I clear my throat to try again. “Hey, Mrs. Coll—”

“Do not finish that statement. We’re practically the same age. I’m Raven, never Mrs. Collins to you.” She shocks me again by throwing her arms around me. “I’ve been dying to meet you!”

“Meet me?”

“Absolutely. And not because Mike’s been gushing non-stop. I’ve seen your work, and you are likely to become my godsend.”

The toddler slams into us, screeching in baby girl glee.

Raven lifts her and blows a raspberry on her cheek, which sets off another round of squeals. “Let’s introduce you to Miss Harley. This is our youngest, Rayne,” she tells me.

“Hello, Rayne, you certainly are a cute little thing.” I tickle her belly.

She squeals in delight, and Mike takes the bag in my hand quickly so I can get her. Rayne nuzzles in my neck and yanks my hair.

“I have got to get me one of those. Chicks love the littles,” the same voice from before states.

“Nate, you are a dumbass. You don’t just get a baby,” someone else replies.

Raven rolls her eyes, shaking her head with a regretful expression. “Let’s get this over with. You should meet the guys.”

She points to each man as she introduces them. “Nate, Blake, and Cooper are all in the band.” They wave, and I recognize each from their pictures.

“Jay is our go-to man for everything.” She motions to another man lounging on the sofa.

Mike had also mentioned a man named Jay and his role at the record label. I’ll be working somewhat closely with him. Someone steps into Raven’s side, and I fight standing.

His pictures don’t do him justice. My eyes burn at the hotness factor. Facial piercings have never been my thing, but I’m rethinking my stance. Then again, I never thought I’d date a man with a penis piercing. He’s not Achilles, but I appreciate every bit of his lusciousness.

“And this is my husband, Declan.” Raven introduces him unnecessarily. Because really? Who wouldn’t know him?

“Hey, Harley. Welcome to the team.” He flashes me a grin, his green eyes glimmering. The velvety smooth baritone of his voice washes over me.

I sway and Mike chuckles.

Jesus, get a grip.

“Hi, ummm, nice to meet you.”

“Wait, you’re banging your new employee? Isn’t that against the ethics code?” Nate speaks again, and Raven’s eyes bulge.

“I swear they’re harmless, but all my years of training fly out the window when a gorgeous woman walks in,” she admonishes him while looking at me.