“With that call, we also got a picture of these men. Exceedingly revered, people in high places respect them. They are missed in active duty. That says a lot.”

“They’re heroes,” Dad chimes in.

At the description hero, Presley leans into Finn, and Ember gazes at him gratefully.

“We know and we’re putting this on our radar.”

I think about what I know and if it would help them. My mind is volleying back and forth, and I notice too late that Finn’s studying me pensively.

“Thank you. This is kinda my first time going through this. Well, not actually. It’s always been terrifying when Achilles was deployed or out of touch. But this is different. It’s like a piece of my heart is dangling from a high cliff.”

Presley breaks away and comes to squat in front of me, taking a hand. “My brother was killed while serving. He was also a Marine. It was rough, and I’m not sure how to explain that sort of pain. But years ago, Finn was shot while on an assignment. That pain was gut-wrenching and paralyzing. When I tell you I understand, I truly understand.”

“Presley, I’m sorry about your brother.”

“Thanks. He was a great guy. He left behind the most precious daughter that reminds me every day of what a beautiful soul he was.” She peeks over her shoulder at Finn, and he gives her a crooked smile. Her face comes back to mine. “Even in death, he was still wringing miracles. He brought Finn into my life.”

“I want to hear that story,” Jewls mutters low.

Presley squeezes my hand and stands. “We’ll plan a girls’ night. But now you have to keep the faith and believe in the best. You need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

“That means a lot.”

“Not to make light of this, but now that the heavy is out of the way, can I say how stunning this house is?” Raven gushes. “Next year, you have to help with my decorations.”

“I’m more interested in the security system. Any way you can walk me through what the guys did?” Finn gestures to the screen on the table.

“Yeah, sure. I can show you how the entry system works from Achilles’ entrance, but I know little about the front security or how it feeds to the monitor.”

“That’ll work.”

I motion for him to follow me and lead us to Achilles’ room. “Achilles and Ford have private entrances. All the guys have individual codes that send messages to their phones when the codes are used. Same with all the other doors, too. The motion detectors and alarms also feed to their phones.”

“Hmm.” His disinterested reaction takes me by surprise.

When I glance his way, the same contemplative stare is back, but in this proximity, it’s lasering into my skin. He remains quiet, as if he’s waiting for me to explain more.

“I’m not really sure of the nitty-gritty details on the motions.”

“Robbie and I tested the prototype and ended up putting this same set-up in our homes.”

“Then why did you want me to explain?”

“Because I needed to get you alone. Talk to me.”

A sense of uneasiness washes through me, and I lose his gaze, focusing on the rug under my feet.

“Harley, babe, don’t be afraid. I’m not trying to scare you. I need to know what you know about Ace being called up.”

“Ummm,” is all that comes out.

“You can trust us.”

“I heard their contact—or whoever—and he mentioned South America, two people dead, others missing, and going in hot.”

The words spill so rapidly, it’s a wonder if he heard me.

He rocks back at the same time his crystal aqua eyes fill with sympathy and care.

“Jesus, that’s confidential intel.” The way he says it indicates he already knew this.

My hands fly into the air in frustration. “I know! Achilles already told me that. I was supposed to wait for him to come to meet me in here, but I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. So, I listened to their call.”

The sympathy and care glints in a show of amusement. “Damn stubborn women. Yeah, if I told Presley to wait in another room, she’d have done the same thing.”

“It’s not stubborn, it’s astute.”

“She’d agree and she’d love the fact you used the word astute.”

I grin, remembering Presley does something in editing.

“Jewls seems solid.”

“She is.”

“Anytime she’s not available or you feel down, call Presley. She’s genuine in her message. When our boys return home, the offer still applies.”

My heart hammers and I swallow hard, mustering up the courage to ask a question that has been tearing me up. “Is it a bad sign that it’s been seven days with no contact?”

“No.” His swift answer comes out abrasive.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

It’s then I see right through him. He knows a lot more than he shared earlier. Which means Robbie knows, too.

“Talk to me,” I repeat his words.