I snort, my wine burning down my throat at the memory of her replay. “Maybe they can agree on a turkey this year.”

“Didn’t happen. Dad went to Costco, picked out three birds, and told everyone else to screw off. If they want to eat, they’ll deal with it.”

“Oh my, I love your parents,” Mom gushes. “They’re so colorful.”

Jewls barks out a laugh, taking a large gulp. “Yeah, colorful.” She glances between me and Dad, her smile waning. “Any word?”

I shake my head, expecting Dad to do the same.

“Jim has no news either, which is actually a good sign.”

His statement surprises me, and I twist his way. “Jim? Major’s dad? When did you talk to him?”

“Us dads have a chat going.”

“But why Jim specifically?”

“The boys made a choice to have one emergency point of contact. That person is Jim.”


“Collective decision. He served over twenty years and knows the process and protocol. He’s connected to the uniform.”

“I meant why only one contact. Don’t they have emergency contacts in their records?”

“Yeah, but this is a unique situation.”

I don’t have a chance to get into what is different about this situation because my phone rings with Mike’s name on the screen.


“Hey, Jay-Jay, what are you doing?”

He’s taken to calling me Jay-Jay since hearing it from the guys. It also keeps things clear when the other Jay is around. “Sitting with my parents and Jewls, drinking wine and thinking about a movie.”

“You up for company?”

“You want to come by?”

“Not only me. I have a few people with me.”

I assume he’s with Declan and a few of that crew. “I mean, sure, but we’re super low-key.”

“This isn’t a social call. Don’t worry about entertaining.”

“Mmm, okay. Come on.”

He disconnects, and I relay the news he’s on his way.

A few minutes later, the security camera picks up two cars coming up the drive and parking. I open the door to Mike, followed by Declan, Raven, Robbie, Ember, Finn, and Presley.

Mom and Dad get up, making their introductions. Presley gives a short wave but comes straight to me, yanking me into a hug.

“How are you?” Her voice is so warm and kind, a stinging pricks my eyes.

“I’m okay.”

She leans back enough to assess my face and smiles gently. “You’re lying, but it’s acceptable at times like this.”

“He’s been gone eleven days and silent for seven. My heart hurts.”

Jewls is at my side, Raven and Ember all joining the embrace. I try to hold it together but a stray tear drops.

“Girls, give her some room,” Robbie instructs, and when they step away, Mike steps in.

He kisses my cheek. “Is it okay with you if I help myself and get everyone a drink?”

“Of course, I’ll help.”

“No, you sit. Robbie and Finn want to talk to you.”

My eyes go to Robbie and Finn, who are standing back, cautiously observing. Jewls remains at my side as we sit, my gaze never leaving the two men.

“She’s white as a ghost. Stop being scary.” Raven points at her brother. “Tell her.”

“Tell me what?”

“We’ve heard about your situation. We may be able to help.” Robbie’s answer confuses me. It’s unlikely Mike would share my business and label it a ‘situation’.

“I’m not sure what you’ve been told, but I’m not in a situation.”

“We work in security.”

Kind of a weird thing to announce, so I cast a glance at my dad, who’s visibly perplexed. “That’s great.”

Finn’s mouth splits in a wide smile, and my heart does a flip. The man is gorgeous. Totally opposite from Achilles, with his lighter hair and piercing aqua-eyes, but I can still appreciate his looks.

“Robbie’s not great at finessing things. I’ll jump in. He and I work with Hayes Security at top-clearance levels. Our jobs aren’t about installing systems and alarms. Our job description is more high-profile. We also know how to assess threats and get information.”

At the words ‘get information’, the realization crashes down. “You’re Marines! You get information and you’re Marines!” I squawk out, waving my finger wildly like we’re playing a game of charades.

“She’s getting it now.” Finn chuckles.

Mike comes in, passing out bottles of beer. Ember closes in on Robbie’s side and shoots me an encouraging smile. “Robbie and Finn are very good at their jobs.”

“Can you do it? Can you get information on Achilles and their team?”

“Can we do it? Yes. Can we share it? That’s up for debate.”

The small amount of hope crashes and burns.

“There’s a good chance we can’t share anything we find due to national security and protocol. We have confines. But any updates or information outside of that, we can relay.”

“Is seven days with no contact normal?”

They exchange a look that sends my stomach diving. “I just want to know he’s alright.”

“He’s alive. They all are. We had Max make a call before we came over here.”

Relief floods through me, and I slouch into Jewls. “Thank God.”