“I know, baby, I feel the metal twisting inside you.”

“More.” Her hoarse whisper is a plea.

I drive up harder and faster, animalistic need coursing through my veins. “Let me see your face, gorgeous.”

She brings her face to mine. Her eyes are wild and frenzied, cheeks flushed with small patches of pink from my stubble.

“So fucking perfect. Taking me hard, riding my dick, driving me insane. “

“I love the rough and untamed, Achilles.”

Electric jolts rip through me. “Get there again, Harley.”

Her hips roll, sliding into my strokes until we’re both on the edge. She arches, groaning in appreciation, and that’s all it takes. I thrust up hard and explode, crashing my mouth to hers.

I savor the sensation of her pussy pulsating, taking everything and sucking me dry.

My lips kiss a trail to her ear, feeling her chest rise and fall against mine. “The hair, the face, the dress—all of it adding to perfection.”

“I want to be mad, but that was hot,” she mumbles. “So much for hours of preparation.”

“Baby, you walked out looking like this, you should have expected me to pounce.”

“I thought maybe you could conjure a little control.”

“Not a fucking chance.”

She giggles, lifting her face to mine and scaling her nails lightly down my neck. “I take it you like the dress?”

“Yeah, I like the dress, but you’re not wearing it. Your tits are practically hanging out.”

Her eyes narrow and mouth pinches in a scowl. “They are not. It covers everything.”

“Plastic clasps hold your panties together.”

“Only and you and I know that.”


“Swear to God, Achilles, don’t piss me off after scorching hot wall sex. I’m wearing this dress.”

I think about throwing her on the bed, but before I can move, her fingertips dig into my skin. “Don’t you dare.”

“Dare what?”

“Whatever it is you’re thinking of doing that has your eyes reeling.”

“Shit.” I lay my forehead to hers. “It’s impossible to deny you.”

“It’s not denial. The thrill of anticipation is good for you. Think about what happens when we get home. It’ll be worth the wait.”

My cock lurches at the comment, and she bites her lip, squirming.

The diamond ring pops in my head, and I wish like hell it was on her finger.

Like right now.

With me inside her, the combination of us coating my cock, and her staring at me this way… Trust, love, a devotion so deep it hits me solid in the chest, rocking my foundation.

“Sometimes, I look at you and can’t believe my luck. I’ve been dealt a lot of shitty hands in my life. Seen things, done things, made decisions that literally meant life or death.”

Her face grows pensive, her eyes filling with understanding. She opens her mouth, but I keep on.

“Every minute of every day since you gave me a chance has been worth the wait. I’d go through it all again to have you and know you’re mine. Tonight, when we get home, I want you like this as I take my time and show you how much it means to me.”

“We aren’t talking about scorching hot wall sex, are we?” she whispers.

“No, baby, we’re talking about forever. You want to talk about that while I’m balls deep inside you against the wall, we can.”

Her lips quiver as a tear slips down her cheek. “Dammit, Achilles, you’re not allowed to make me cry and ruin my make-up.”

“That’s impossible. You’re exquisite, Harley, always.”

“You can’t have this incredibly sentimental and heartfelt conversation when I don’t have the time to show you how much you mean to me.” She twists my words.

I walk us into the bathroom and set her on the vanity, immediately missing her warmth while I fix my pants. “Want me to clean you up?”

“I’ve got it. I need to touch up my face.”

“Your make-up is fine.”

“I had to up my game. My date is the most gorgeous man in the world. I’m taking a colossal risk bringing you to this party. You may replace me with some famous musician.”

“Never gonna happen.” I kiss her quickly. “Meet you in the kitchen.”

“Everyone knows we had sex, and I don’t even care.”

“It was a given when you walked down that hall.”

She smiles giddily. “I love you.”

“If I don’t leave this bathroom now, we’re skipping the party.”

She releases me and slaps my chest. “Go, I’ll be out in a minute.”

I head back to the kitchen where Jewls is perched on a stool with a glass of wine and talking to Major. He’s freshly showered and wearing an outfit similar to mine. I cock an eyebrow in question as I pour Harley a glass of wine and grab another beer.

“We changed our minds on the invite. Talon and Ford are getting ready,” he explains.

“Gotta say, Ace, you don’t disappoint,” Jewls pipes up. “And I’m not talking about the whole savage beast throwing his woman over his shoulder to go screw her senseless. Even though that was entertaining. Never thought I’d see the day where Harley would embrace her sexuality.”