“I’m learning!”

“I will never know how you are my daughter and can’t cook,” Mom adds to the ridicule.

“We’ll handle that, starting with lessons this weekend,” April offers.

“And maybe tomorrow we can ride around to look at styles of homes.”

“I’m not sure what we can afford. Achilles won’t give me a budget. He says anything I want.”

Celia shares a look with April, Sandy, Cindy, and Grandma. The knot in the pit of my stomach coils tighter, and I swallow another large gulp.


“Well, I don’t know what his budget is, but you can have almost anything you want. Doug spoke to a few contacts, and the houses are being built with a very generous discount.” She blows me away with this news.


“All the guys have done well with their investments. Drake and Sam have been involved,” Cindy advises.

“Awesome! I’m getting my suite!” Jewls shimmies in her chair.

“I think we need more.” I take the empty pitcher to the sidebar.

The next second I’m screeching like a madwoman as I’m snatched off my feet and hanging parallel to the ground.

“Harley Bell!” My cousin spins around before tipping to the side and shaking me like a rag doll.

“Put me down!” I beat on his forearm, which has an iron-clad hold on my waist.

“Not yet.” He slings me up and tickles my side until I’m squirming and squealing.

“Stop… no… please,” I beg, knowing it’s useless.

His body goes static, and all the playful activity stops. He places me on my feet and leans in to my ear. “The way his lethal laser rays are shooting at me, I’m guessing this is your new beau?”

My eyes fly to find Achilles’ fiery gaze aimed at my cousin. Aunt Tina stands close, her mouth slightly parted.

“Tone it down,” I hiss-whisper. “It’s Mike. Don’t you remember my cousin?”

The blaze lessens, and his stance relaxes. “No, never met the guy manhandling you.”

It hits me that Mike didn’t make it home for Grandpa’s funeral because he was in Europe.

“Achilles, this is my cousin, Mike Jacobs, and you met my Aunt Tina.” I do the introductions, hugging both newcomers.

“Hey, man, heard a lot about you these last few weeks.” Mike makes the first move, offering his hand.

A giggle escapes and I look at Mom. She’s beaming brazenly. “Mom, you’re shameless.”

“What? Am I not allowed to share about your new boyfriend with the family? I’m proud of Ace and wanted Tina to know the scoop.”

“More like she wanted to brag,” Mike mutters. “Although it wasn’t the first time your name was floating around. Nice to finally meet you.”

Achilles shakes his hand, wrapping his arm around my waist and folding me smoothly to his side. “Yeah, I’ve heard your name, too.”

Jewls throws herself in the mix, hugging Mike enthusiastically. “Mickey!”

“Julianna Banana!” He lifts her off the ground and shakes her much gentler than my greeting.

I cast my gaze over to the fire pit, zeroing in on Major, who’s scowling only slightly less protectively than Achilles was.

“Seriously, you are aware of the reason you’re attending this soiree, aren’t you?” Grandma’s disapproving tone cuts through the patio.

Mike sets Jewls on her feet and moseys over to the table, crouching to hug her. “Grandma, you don’t look a day over eighty,” he sings teasingly.

She scoffs loudly, pushing him off. “Michael Wayne Jacobs Junior! You’re lucky you make your own money because that remark got you cut out of my will.”

“But I’m your favorite grandson.” He clutches his chest, wounded.

“Not anymore, Dee’s boys are knocking you out of the club.”

He scans the yard, around the area, and bends backward to peer into the house. “Where are Aunt Dee and her three heathens? I don’t see the wreckage.”

I bite the inside of my cheek and try to hold back, but a snort escapes, and I press my face into Achilles’ chest to cover my hilarity. “Our Aunt Deanna, we call her Dee. Her three sons aren’t bad, they’re just wild.”

“I remember meeting them. They outta college yet?”

“Two are out and ‘finding themselves’. The youngest is in his fifth year, testing out majors that suit his lifestyle.”

Achilles chuckles.

“Seriously, Grandma Lucy, you are a sight. Happy birthday.” Mike quits his teasing and hugs her affectionately.

She melts into him, kissing his cheek. “Always my Mickey.”

He straightens and goes to my mom while Aunt Tina moves to Grandma. After he introduces himself to the other ladies in the group, he joins us again. “Not to be rude, but where’s the alcohol?”

“We have a bar set up out here, and the cabana is fully stocked.”

“How about a beer?”

“That would be the cabana. Come on, handsome, I’ll show you around and introduce you to the men.” Jewls offers her hand and he takes it.

“We’ll meet you down there after I finish the margaritas.”

They head out and I tug Ace to the bar.

“I’ll make them.” He surprises me by reaching for the pitcher before I can.