“Doug gave us all a deal. Talon is on the right.” He points to the adjacent property. “Major is two over, and Ford hasn’t picked yet.”

“We’re all living on the same street?”

“Unless you tell me differently.”

“Achilles, I know you have money put away, but can we afford this?”

“The Whitmans plan to retire in a few years and move to Nashville. When Doug was here last month, he offered to sell us the lots. The price was too good to turn down. Even if we don’t build, we have his permission to sell at the market rate.”

“Why would he do that?”

His face softens and lips touch mine. “We’re brothers in arms. Doug knows what that means.”

“I think I love Doug.”

“The feeling is mutual. He’s been good to me over the years. Like your dad, he knows to call me on my shit. When he was here, he told me to stop fucking around or I’d lose you to someone better.”

“He doesn’t know me well.”

“He knew prodding me with the possibility of another man would set me on edge.”

“We’ve been dating for a short time. Granted, it’s moved fast, but this is unreal.”

“We’ve never dated, Harley. Our story started a long time ago. You forgave me, and that was the beginning of our here and now.”

I kiss him, lacing my hands around his neck, and whispering, “I love it. I love you. And it’s a shame you have to work this weekend.”

“Why is that?”

“We could camp out here and christen our property the right way.”

He slants my head and growls against my mouth before slipping his tongue inside.

Making out with him isn’t exactly the same, but it will do. For now…



“Another beer?” Jewls is already sliding it my way.

“Where’s Tom? Isn’t there an occupancy limit in this place?”

“Yes, officer, and we’re still under capacity. This happens when men find out ladies’ night is happening. They flock to the hopping joint. Lighten up.”

I glare at her for a split second before going back to watching Harley across the bar.

“She worked hard on this. The girl is a marketing genius. You should look at the bright side.”

“What’s the bright side?”

“She continues to bring in crowds like this, we will fund our European vacation before we know it and she can cut back her hours. You get more of her.”

At the mention of the vacation, I pin her. “Jewls—”

“Zip it, Ace, she already told me you’re crashing. Surprisingly, I’m okay with that. She also told me about the lot of land. I’m proud of you for finally proving you’re the guy she waited all her life for.”

There’s no time to comment before Tom’s hustling back with his arms full of bottles. “Jewls! Stop nattering and get these women drinks. They’re savages.”

She rolls her eyes and goes to help him.


At the voice, my head snaps to the side to find my dad with Rich and Hal.

“Dad, you shouldn’t be here.”

“I’ve spent a decade working my way into the sober life. Your mom wasn’t missing this. She’s at the table with the women, but Rich told me what’s going on.”

I glance at Rich, who’s worried. Harley called him earlier, and he must have shared with these men. “Dad, it’s not something I can discuss.”

“No, but know I’m here.”

“All of us fucking are,” Hal agrees gravely.

“You’re jumping the gun. Nothing’s happened.” I tip my chin casually. They’re not deterred.

“You get the message to go, you call me. My Harley is a strong girl. She’ll be encouraging, but she’ll need support,” Rich demands.


“Goes without saying, we’re all around,” Dad pitches his support.

“Appreciate it.”

A loud squawk sounds from Jewls, and Harley pivots quick, squealing as excitedly.

“Rowan!” they both scream.

My head jerks, and I catch the woman standing there smiling wide, leaning over to hug Jewls. A prickle runs up my spine, recognizing her from the call out the other night.

In a flash, Ford is with us. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“That’s her,” Hal notes.

“Who? Rowan?” Rich questions.

“Fuck me, you know her?” Ford narrows his eyes.

“Yeah, she’s a great gal. Been around a few years. Hairdresser, I believe. Harley, Jewls, Ginger, and her are a crew. Or, at least, they were. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Rowan lately.”

Hal interprets my move, gripping my arm before I can leave my stool. “Wait, there’s a good chance she’ll recognize us.”

“Doubtful.” My eyes go to Ford, who’s dressed similarly in jeans, a thermal, and a black ball cap. Out of uniform, we blend in. “She walked into a cop bar. It’s not a secret club.”

“Trust me, I’m an old man and easy to forget. But you and your pretty boys aren’t. She’ll recognize you. Plus, the way you look right now will scare her off. She’s here, surrounded by women and smiling. This is a good thing. Let’s see how it plays out.”

“If she’s facing a situation, I don’t want Harley anywhere near it. Jewls either.”