“You had to go back to work. And you were in such a good mood.”

“I was in a good mood because lunch was great. Our moms are nuts, but they are hilarious and fun nuts. Sandy was so elated she was beaming. When you hugged her goodbye, I swear she sagged with relief and wanted to hold on to you forever. It was special.”

“It was fucking lunch.”

“To you, it was lunch. To her, it was much more.”

“Everyone was happy, and that’s what matters.”

“You let me go back to work like nothing was happening. Then to Tom’s!”

“I wasn’t disrupting your life with this.”

“Disrupt my life?! Tell me you didn’t say that!” My screech is a little overdramatic, but I don’t have time to check my sass because my blood is now boiling. “Don’t you think that being called up on a ‘special operations’, super clandestine mission disrupts my life?”

I wiggle my way back, roll the opposite way, and jump off the bed.


“Don’t Harley me. I swore to myself that if I ever had you in my life, I’d accept whatever you gave me. From the first day we met, I accepted everything that makes you who you are. For those ten years, I lived in constant fear of losing you.”

“You aren’t losing me.”

“You don’t know that! You’re a cop eyeing SWAT. Every shift you’re on is a risk that could steal you from me. And I’ve come to terms with that because it’s a part of you.”

He moves to get up, but I throw my hand in his direction, stepping further back. “I’ve waited over ten years for you to love me. We don’t discuss your time in the Marines because it’s yours to share. But this is huge. You’ve been holding on to critical information. I don’t care how much it hurts; we will not work if you keep things from me.”

Lightning fast, I’m in his arms. He throws me on the bed, bracing above and bringing his face less than an inch from mine. I’m caged in and immediately under his spell. A chill runs down my spine at the pure power in his eyes.

“You took it all away. Every mission, every risk, every man lost—it was engrained in my life. With you, it’s all a blur. I’m not in denial. It’s bearable because I have you. You didn’t need to wait over ten years for me to love you because it happened the day we met. And every day since then, no matter where I was in the world, you were with me. I didn’t withhold critical information. In my mind, nothing will take me from you.”

“It all makes sense now. Why you left active duty but stayed in the Reserves. They didn’t want to lose you. But I don’t, either. Promise me, Achilles. Promise me you will always come home to me.”

He pauses, the torture evident on his face.

“Never mind, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Can you promise to be careful and try to come home to me?”

“I promise. But it may be a moot point.”

“You may not have to leave for this, but there is always the chance. Plus, you work in law enforcement.”

“Harley, me and my guys know what we’re doing. That’s why we are who we are. We recon, assess, make split-second decisions that are meant for the greater good. Trust in that. Trust in me.”

“I trust you with everything. But I’m also selfish.” Guilt slithers through me.

“All the sacrifices and decisions I made, you were in my motivation. Now that I have you, do you think I’d risk losing this?”

I run my fingers along his cheeks, memorizing the beauty he’s giving me. The possibility of him being called up and leaving makes our time together more precious. “I’ll talk to Tom and try to change my schedule. He’ll be cool about me having the same nights off as you.”

“I already said this doesn’t disrupt your life. Although I will say the purpose of saving for a European vacation is pointless. You aren’t going.”

“Don’t piss me off when I’m in the throes of drama.”

“No drama.”

“I’m traveling Europe with my best friend, and we’re spending a week with Shayla.”

“Then I’m traveling, too.”

“Achilles! It’s a girls’ trip.”

“Not anymore.” He swallows hard. “My sweet Harley isn’t roving across the world without me.”

His perfect English accent leaves me breathless. “Achilles,” is all I can wisp out.

“Don’t change your schedule at Tom’s unless you want.”

“You’ve never liked me working there.”

“I’m a jealous bastard.”

“I’m in a committed relationship with a man who can incinerate flesh with a slice of his eyes. Not to mention, your brethren have taken your place when you’re not around. The intimidation game is effective.”

“It’s not a game.”

Telling him it’s ridiculous is a waste of breath. He’s not changing his ways anytime soon. Our conversation from the other day replays in my head. After Pete left, he pushed further for me to fill up his room with my stuff. I told him to give me a few days to think about it. He didn’t agree, and I tried a new tactic.