“I can already tell where this is going. Get out of your head and let’s get you packed.” She heaves herself off the couch and yanks me up.

“What are you talking about?”

“I heard most of what was said and am not letting you internalize it to the point of ridiculousness.”

“If you heard what he said, then you know he was bossy, short, and direct enough to be on the verge of demanding.”

“Clue in, Jay, the man sends people to observe when you work a night shift at a low-key bar. He’s possessive, protective, and borderline Neanderthal. Of course, he was bossy. Think about where he is. Not playing golf with the guys. He’s at an active drill weekend with the Marines. He had something to say, said it, and moved on. You need to do the same.”

She drags me into my room, waving her finger in a circular motion for me to ‘get moving’. It doesn’t take long for me to pack the few items I need and for her to gather her bag from last night.

“I’m totally down for hanging at the Club tonight.”

A cool breeze hits my skin before strong arms lift me as I nuzzle closer. My eyes feel like lead, but I pry them open and find Achilles staring at me. “You’re home.”


“What time is it?”

“A lot later than I wanted. Go back to sleep.”

“What about Jewls?”

“Major’s got her. He’ll get her to a bed.”

“I hope it’s his bed. She’ll love that.”

One side of his lip curls into a half-grin, and his eyes flick over my shoulder. I don’t have to turn to know Major’s behind us.

“We fell asleep watching a movie,” I explain unnecessarily.

“I got that.”

“We made you guys quesadillas.”

“We found them.”

“Is everyone here?”


“Good, I’ll sleep better now.”

I inhale deep, and the scent of his soap fills my nose. “You showered without me.”

“I was filthy.”

“But we always shower together.”

“I’ll take another one in the morning.”

“That’s good because I love it when we—“ His mouth closes over mine, shutting me up.

“We have an audience,” he whispers to my lips.

The soft chuckles fade away as we move, and I’m too tired to be embarrassed. The feel of his soft sheets and warm body curling into mine puts me right back to sleep.

Sometime later, I wake to sweat trickling down my neck and back. Achilles’ arms are like bands of steel, and his thigh is thrown over mine, cocooning me so close his body heat is blistering into me. His heart is racing, but his breaths are shallow and steady against my throat. I wiggle slightly, trying to pry loose and get one arm free enough to toss the covers to the side. The cool air hits my damp skin, and an uncontrollable shiver travels through my body.

“Am I suffocating you?” His voice is deep and drowsy.

“No.” YES!!!

“Liar.” He unlatches his grip and gives me a few inches of space.

“Is everything okay?” I find his hand in the dark. “You’re burning up.”

“My adrenaline crashed. It was a long weekend.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not much to say except, mentally and physically, my body went through the wringer.”

“Is that normal?”

“Sometimes, but never this bad.”

He doesn’t have to say it for me to understand. “You worried about me.”

“I worried about you,” he agrees.

“Because of Tom’s?”

He doesn’t answer, but his hand clasps mine tighter.

“You can tell me,” I urge him gently.

“Last time I told you I didn’t like you working there, it didn’t go well.”

“Last time you tried to dictate my life, blew off the grid, and I didn’t know you loved me. Let’s try to have the conversation again.”

He rolls to his back, bringing my hand to his mouth and running his lips across my knuckles. “It wasn’t only Tom’s, even though I fucking despise you getting off work at three o’clock in the morning on the weekend shift. Me being away didn’t help that.”

This does not surprise me because he told me before he left, so I wait for what’s coming. “I want you here all the time but know that’s impossible. For my sanity, I’m asking you to stay here next time I have a drill weekend.”


“Because this place is secure and safe. One of us gets an alert if even a raccoon crosses the motion detectors. Knowing you are locked up tight at night in our bed gives me peace of mind.”

I don’t remind him I’ve lived alone for years and never had an incident, nor do I point out that he’s been gone for a long time and I can take care of myself. “Okay, but the guys have to agree.”

“Already done.”

“Then I’ll stay here next time. To me, it’s overkill because my place is safe, but we’ll compromise. You won’t lose your mind when I work late, and I’ll come back here.”

His chest vibrates with a rumble, but he doesn’t comment.