I bite the inside of my cheek to hide my surprise. Few people get to see this side of Major. It seems like Jewls has been holding out on some serious details about their friendship. I did not know their spark had even hit the ‘talking’ stage. Silently, I make a mental note to pay more attention to my best friend.

“Maybe he needs a nudge.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll think of something.”

“Why do men have to be difficult?”

“Wish I knew.”

“At least you had the whole virgin thing going for you.”

“How did we jump back to me?”

“Because men think that’s hot.”

“Need I remind you that Achilles didn’t know I was a virgin until I was practically humping him in a stripper bikini in his hot tub?”

Her face twists in a disgusted scowl, and she shudders dramatically. “I’m glad you didn’t do it in the hot tub. That would have made last weekend awkward.”

I press my lips together and hold in my laughter until it bursts out. She’s right. It was awkward enough to sit with the moms in the Jacuzzi knowing that I’d rubbed up against Achilles like a dog in heat.

“And don’t even get me started on your damn rug. Everyone who’s seen any kind of porn knows a rug in front of a fireplace screams bow-chicka-bow-bow.”

My giggles grow louder and I fall into her, cackling until tears are dripping down my cheeks. “That’s… not… why… we…”

“Oh, please, you’re totally going to pound town on that thing.”


Her own laughter turns into snorts, and we’re both gasping for air when the two-second tune for ‘Bad Boys’ sounds from the ottoman. I jump so fast, my butt slips, and I hit the floor, wincing as my ankle twists and my hip slams into the ground. Even in pain, my heart flips, knowing Achilles is finally in contact.

We have a late meeting but should drive in around ten.

I read the text with my giddy mood slipping. The first question that comes to mind is what kind of meeting would keep him four hours later than he expected? The second thought is, why so impersonal? I shake it off and quickly respond.

Okay, sweetie. I’ll wait up for your call.

I think for a split second and add, Missed you! Before I can press send, the phone rings with his picture.

“Hey,” I cringe when another pain shoots through my hip as I move my legs in front of me.

“What’s wrong?” he barks out harshly.

“Well, hello to you, too.” My attitude kicks in.

“Baby, I have about forty seconds here. What’s that noise?”

“If you must know, I fell off my sofa trying to reach the phone. Jewls is laughing at me.”

“Are you okay?”

“Of course. Are you okay?”

He blows out a loud sigh. “I’m fine, ready to get the fuck home and back to you.”

It’s embarrassing how quickly my girly side perks up with his statement. “You want me to come over when you get home?”

“I want your ass in our bed when I get home.”

“Achilles, won’t it be weird for me to be there when you’re —”

I’m cut off by a loud yell in the background and a rustling on the line. “Baby, pack your bag and get to the house. The code on my private entrance will automatically unlock the door and disable the alarm.”

“Maybe you could call me when you’re close and I can meet you there.”

“We all have the security monitoring on our phones, and I can re-alarm it when you get inside.” He ignores my suggestion.

I don’t scare easily, but the thought of being in his house by myself in the dark sends a chill over my skin. Even knowing they have a state-of-the-art security system doesn’t help. Plus, it feels weird being there without him.

He picks up on my quiet anxiety. “Take Jewls with you so you’re not alone. I’ll be there as soon as possible. God, I fucking miss you.”

Something’s off in his voice. Exhaustion, irritation, worry… all of it mixing and sending a fresh chill slithering uneasily through me. “If you want me there, I’ll be waiting.”

“I want you there all the time, and we’re talking about that soon. Not going through this shit again.” There’s a finality in his words. The emotions from his previous statement vanished. I don’t have time to reply when the unmistakable sound of a siren blares in the background, followed by Major shouting his name.

“Gotta roll. Get over there soon so I can lock it down.”

“I love you, too, babe. I miss you, too, babe,” I say sarcastically to the dead air and drop the phone into my lap.

“Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?” Jewls tsks.

“That was possibly the oddest call I’ve ever had in my life. Ace is getting a lesson in phone etiquette when he gets home.”

“That should be interesting.”

I stare at my lap with our conversation rolling over in my brain. He did say he was ready to get back and wanted me in our bed.