Instead of throwing me on the bed, he threw me over his shoulder and stalked out his side door to the Jacuzzi.

I sighed in defeat, but wasn’t ready to give up.

So, now I’m leaning quietly on his chest, trying to figure out a way to seduce my boyfriend without resorting to begging.

“Like your suit, Jay.” He breaks into my thoughts.

My head pops up, and I catch the smug grin playing on his lips.

“You noticed?”

“Hard not to.”

“Could have fooled me.” My reply comes out a little too whiny.

His grin turns into a full-out smile, and in one quick move, he’s twisted me to straddle him. He thrusts his hips upward, the hard length of him rubbing directly between my legs. Since the bottoms of the suit are all string except for one scrap of triangle, the friction hits me in the right spot and I swallow a moan.

“And your yoga outfit was sweet, too. It’s a good thing Erik is gay and the class is full of women or I’d never have left you there.”

A thrill slides up my spine when he toys with the tie at my neck.

“The one-piece thing was hot, too.”

“Romper,” I croak when his finger traces over the swell of my breast to make his point. The romper I wore today was more fitted than usual, with long flowy sleeves, a deep V at the neck, and a belt that helped me bunch it up so short, the cheeks of my butt were close to showing. At normal length, the shorts would have been decent, but I made it obscene.

“I walked behind you the whole time with my eyes glued to your ass. I was hard as a steel thinking about how perfect that ass is.”

He rocks his hips again.

“Ahhhhh,” I whimper at the sensation, driving my own hips downward.

“If you thought I was possessive before, you have no idea after watching you strut around all day. Those legs should come with a warning.”

He’s right. I strutted, pranced, frolicked, and sashayed through the day, hoping to get a reaction. A new thrill washes through me.

“You could have fooled me.” This time, the statement comes out throaty and almost breathless because he leans down to trace his lips along the teeny patch of material covering one nipple.

“You were playing a game with me. A game I enjoyed. But you should know something. Nothing you wore today to tease me was as fucking gorgeous as waking up to you in my bed in my t-shirt, your sorry excuse for panties, and having your body tangled with mine.”

“You didn’t seem too interested in me then, either.”

“We both know that isn’t true.”

“You cock blocked me.”

He grins against my breast, rubbing his stubble against the skin that is scorching under his touch. “Not sure I’d call it that, but hearing the word cock come from your mouth is sexy.”

“What would you call it?”

“Enjoying your persistence.”

“You locked me out of the bathroom!” I’m grateful for the dim light, so he can’t see my face blazing at the mortifying admission. During my yoga class, he went for a run to pass the hour. Back at the house, he promptly headed to his shower, announcing he’d hurry so I could have the bathroom to get ready for our shopping trip.

Boldness came over me, and I attempted to join him, only to find he’d locked the door. He came out fifteen minutes later fully dressed, and I was casually scrolling through my phone. Neither he nor I mentioned the locked barrier, and in my mind, it was staying that way to avoid further embarrassment. Until right now when my big mouth blurted it out.

“I cut my run short to come back and watch you at yoga. Only so much a man can take. Even a cold shower didn’t help. For the second time in four days, I visualized you while taking care of myself.”

I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from smiling. A rush of satisfaction replaces the earlier embarrassment.

“It was its own form of fucking torture waiting to have you alone tonight and see what you had planned for this piece of fabric.”

His hands glide over my shoulders, down my arms, and slip into the water, going straight for my ass. He leans up, sweeping his lips across mine until I release my bottom lip from my teeth and give in to his kiss. My arms go around his shoulders, my chest arching into his so almost every part of us is touching. The hot water bubbles around us, scorching my already overheated skin as he grips my flesh and grinds in a rhythm with his hips.

It’s easy to lose myself, giving him control of our bodies moving together. He slows the kiss, sucking my tongue deeper into his mouth. He groans down my throat when I score my nails along his shoulder blades, thrusting down harder. The thin triangle of fabric snaps, and the second my skin comes in contact with the soft material of his swimsuit, sparks shoot through me.