“Wow,” is her only response.

“Wow? My universe took a seismic shift and you say wow?”

“Give me a second, I’m processing.”

“Well, process quickly because he’ll be here soon.”

“I thought he had to work tonight.”

“He does, but since he insisted on taking me and picking me up from work, one of the guys is going with him to get my car and bring it here.”

“One week, Harley. He walked into this bar one week ago.”

“I know it’s fast.”

“That’s one way to put it.”

“Do you think it’s too fast?”

“For anyone else, I’d say hell yes. I’d even say you’re straight-jacket crazy. But with a history like you and Ace, I’ll say it’s about time and I am damn happy for you.”

“Thanks.” I jump forward and hug her tight.

“I also want to throw out there that you better not turn into one of those lovesick guppies that makes me want to cut you.”

“Never,” I promise.

“What the hell is going on now? I pay you two to sling drinks. Please don’t tell me we have another lover’s spat,” Tom complains from behind.

“No spat. Things are great,” I assure him, looking over my shoulder.

“Good, because the crowd is coming, and Sylvia’s out sick. Get ready.” He roams off.

“Holy mother of sweet Jesus,” Jewls breathes out.

I twist, my hand automatically going to the edge of the bar. Talon, Ford, and Major are coming our way with Achilles leading the pack. His eyes aimed at me as his lips curl into his signature grin. My heart skips a beat and I forget to breathe, clutching the bar for a lifeline.

The others stop at their usual spot, but Achilles continues walking, coming around the side entry and directly to me. He links his arms around my waist, lifts, and kisses me gently. I’m too shocked to move, and when he places me back to my feet, my knees give out and I sway back to him.

“Is it bad that I’m picturing him naked, pinning you against the shower?” Jewls butts in, and I whip my head to her.

“Shut up!”

“Just sayin’.” She shrugs nonchalantly and goes to help two men and a woman that are openly gawking at Achilles.

When I peer up to him, his eyebrows are arched and his lips tipped in a side grin.

“I may have over shared.”

“Good to know.”

“Although, I didn’t share about your… you know… piercing.”

That earns me a smile. “Sure you will.”

“Unless you’re on my payroll, I don’t have insurance on your ass back here,” Tom booms, hustling by with a tray of empty glasses.

“I have insurance,” Ace replies.

“Let me rephrase. Unless you’re wearing one of my shirts and busting your ass, then get out from behind my bar.”

“You better go sit down before he has a hemorrhage. We’re short a server tonight.”

“You’re parked under the light by the back entrance.” He twists my hand and drops my keys in them.

“Thank you.” I brush my lips across his one more time and then give an effortless shove to get him moving. “Who’s drinking?” I look at the guys.

“Major and me,” Ford answers.

“Since it doesn’t take all four of you to bring my car, what’s the occasion?” I set down their beer and get water for Ace and Talon.

“Major and I came to watch the game,” Ford explains.

“You have an eighty-inch television and two refrigerators full of beer at the Club.”

“We came for the company,” Major speaks up.

I roll my eyes and toss my gaze to Achilles. “What you mean is you two are on Jay duty tonight since my boyfriend doesn’t like me working nights.”

Talon chokes out a cough, and Ace doesn’t flinch.

“Could be something like that, too.” Ford’s answer is laced with enjoyment.

“I assume you all are eating?” I hand them menus without waiting for a response.

“Hey, Talon, Ford, Major…” Jewls greets them, stopping in front of Ace. “…Usain Bolt.”

“Usain Bolt?” His eyebrows go up.

“Yes, you know, the world’s fastest man?”

“I know who he is, Jewls. I don’t get the connection.”

“Since you broke the land speed record for fastest moving relationship, I thought it was a fitting comparison.”

“Julianna!” I swat at her arm, scolding with her full name.

“Ten years is hardly time travel.”

“Ten long…” Talon starts.

“… Loooonnnggg…” Ford accentuates.

“… Excruciatingly drawn-out years,” they all add in unison.

“I will say hearing Jay refer to Ace as her ‘boyfriend’ almost makes the torture of living with this guy worth it.” Talon winks my way.

Ace slices his eyes to him sharply, and I wonder briefly if Talon will make it through the night alive. The others catch it, too, and a roar of laughter erupts from everyone but Ace and me.

“Fucking jackasses.”

“Well now, he’s more of a speed king than the shuffling tortoise,” Jewls jabbers.

I catch Tom signaling from across the room for assistance. “Be back, Tom needs some help.”

He points to a large group waiting by the door, and then to the cluster of high tops in the corner. I do a quick headcount of twenty, pulling tables together and hauling the stacked chairs away from the wall. In a flash, the four men are at my side, taking over until I have no choice but to instruct them what to do.