“Hell of a night to accept overtime,” I mutter.

When Hal’s done, the group breaks up, and Talon and I follow him to the parking lot. We pile into an SUV and drive toward the stadium.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Hal glancing my way.

“What’s up?”

“I’m trying to put my finger on it. Something’s different.”

“Nothing different here.”

“Oh, there’s definitely something going on. Your intensity is… less intense.”

“Not sure that makes any sense.”

“You’re cooler than usual.”

“He’s cool, all right,” Talon throws back. “I’d guess it was the cold shower he had to take.”

Hal doesn’t comment, but his mouth splits in a wide grin. “Nice perfume.”

Talon barks out a laugh, and I whip my head to him. “Shut the hell up.”

He shakes his head and continues to laugh.

“Didn’t think the Casanovas had to take cold showers,” Hal states.

“Are you shitting me?” I roll my eyes “Don’t tell me you believe any of that.”

“Not a word.”

“I’d like to know who made that shit up.”

“Don’t get too worked up about it. Anyone with sense knows it’s bullshit. I’ve been on this job for over twenty years and learned early on how to read people. You four caused quite a stir.”

“Want to elaborate?”

“Four badass Marines rocket through the application process, kick ass in the academy, and set their sights on SWAT before their badges have time to get dirty? People stood up and took notice. Half of your peers want to be you, the other half want to knock you down a few notches. As for the women, it’s not lost on anyone that you all could have your pick.”

“I left high school behind a long time ago.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

Something he says stands out, and Talon’s expression tells me he heard the same thing. “How’d you know about SWAT?”

“Officially or unofficially?”


“Unofficially—told you, I’ve been around a while. Your names were pinging around the station a long time before you graduated. I got the vibe the first time I set eyes on you. Officially, Boyd told me.”

“He wasn’t pleased.”

“Nope, but can you blame him? You waltzed right into his office and told him your days under him are numbered and you were applying out as soon as your required tenure was up. Ballsy, bold, arrogant. You caught him off-guard, and he reacted. He also realized he was most likely losing four good cops. A lot of men try to walk the path you’re traveling, but not a lot make it. That’s why Boyd wants your plans kept under wraps. He’s not interested in the headaches that come with the tension when egos get torched.”

“Is that gonna cause a problem with us?”

His carefree mood shifts, his eyes turning steely as he pins me down. “Do you think I would have requested your sorry ass if it would cause a problem?”

I lean further into my seat, unsure of how to respond.

“Except for the days I’m off, you are with me for a reason. The same with the others.” He gestures his head to Talon. “We know talent when we see it, and training you to be a good cop will only transfer to other skills. There’s no way you renegades were getting a half-interested veteran that would take you down the lazy route. Like I said, I pegged you before you even walked into the station on your first day.

“And since we’re sharing, here’s another tidbit. I’ve seen your file… the real file. I know what you four did in the Marines, seen your missions, and understand your specialties.”

Now I’m truly curious. My application to the academy and resume are pretty generic. They skim the surface of what we needed to be accepted. Our real files have almost everything except the confidential details.

“Why? How?”

“Let’s just say I have an allegiance to the SWAT teams, and I wanted to make sure you four have what it takes.”

“Didn’t know your job description was so detailed.”

“Never underestimate, learn that quick.”

I think about what he’s said and the reality hits. “You were SWAT?”

“Was,” he confirms.

“What happened?”

“Walked into a hostile situation, took one look at the woman crouching behind the desk, scared out of her mind. I fell hard. At that moment, I let my guard down and got shot. It was a superficial wound, but when I got out of the hospital, I found her. She became my everything. The next hostile situation, I came home and she had a panic attack. The fear in her eyes was enough for me. I couldn’t do it to her. So, I asked to transfer back.”

“You did that for a woman?” Talon asks in disbelief.

“Not just any woman. Fifteen years and not once have I regretted the decision.”

“Police officers aren’t exactly out of danger,” I add.

“No, but I use my skills in different ways now. I take on rookie asses, teach them the right way to execute the law, and close my cases. Then I go home to the one woman on this earth I can’t live without and three kids that mean just as much. I live easy.”