Drool threatens to dribble down my chin so I try to figure out another way to move without disturbing him. His torso shifts inward, and this is my opportunity. I inhale deep and roll the other way. This doesn’t work, mainly because his grip on my wrist turns vice-like and his other arm hauls me back. Now I’m full out on top of him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His deep, drowsy voice causes a stir in my belly.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I was trying to—”

“Get away?”

“Give you space.”

“Does it seem like I want space?”

“I am practically attached to you.”

“Does it seem like I want space?” he repeats, pressing down on the small of my back to emphasize his point.

In this position, I can feel every ridge and plane of his body, including the hardness against my hip. I make the mistake of jiggling sideways, and his eyes grow heated at the friction.

“Baby, you slide one more time, we’ll have issues.”

“Sorry.” I chew on my lip and hold motionless. “If you let me go, I promise to roll off slowly.”

“Christ, Harley.” It’s hard to determine if he’s aggravated with me for waking him or frustrated with the fact that I’m sprawled on top of him like a horny teenager. The heat in his eyes glitters and his lips tip upward. “You into slow torture? Cause that’s what will happen if you try to get away from me again.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad when I put you here?”

Now, my stomach does an all-out flip, and a thrill races through my veins. “You wanted me to plaster myself to your side?”

“I wanted you any way I could get you. It’s my luck you don’t mind contact sleeping.”

“Do you like contact sleeping?”

“Never thought I would. Now I know differently.”

“I’m usually a terrible bed partner.” I didn’t know what to say, but apparently, this was the wrong thing. His glittery eyes turn hard, and his hold grows uncomfortably tight.

“That’s what Jewls tells me. I steal all the pillows, twist in the bed, and usually kick until she’s forced to move,” I try to explain.

His hold loosens, and the glimmer returns as he shifts slightly. Signals fire off in my brain and I’m not sure what to say next. Dealing with a bunch of executives and macho-man cops is much easier than facing Achilles right now.

“What time is it?”

“Early,” he responds without looking at his watch.

I wrangle my hand free and reach for my phone, only to be stopped—again. “Your phone is off.”


“Because I didn’t want it bothering us.”

“Was it bothering you?”

“You passed out watching that fucking awful show. The phone kept dinging with messages. I assured Jewls you were safe and staying here. I confirmed with Erik that we’d meet for breakfast at ten-thirty, and then I intercepted the goddamned Uber and canceled, but only after the security cameras showed him driving up the street.” His entire mood changes when he mentions the Uber.

“Oh shit, I probably lost my account.”

“Highly doubtful since I gave him a hundred dollars to erase the pick-up.”

“You did what? A hundred dollars? That’s crazy. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“The only way I was waking you up was to take you to bed, but you seemed comfortable.”

“Were you… comfortable, I mean?”

“Best night’s sleep of my life.”

My breath catches in my throat, and I lock eyes with him. The sincerity of his words sinks in, and like yesterday by the pool, the air takes on a new energy between us. A rush of courage shoots through me, and I make a split-second decision before losing my nerve. My hands press down on his chest, helping propel me the few inches so our faces are close. I say a silent prayer, close my eyes, and gently place my mouth to his.

Slowly, I kiss along his lips, brushing back and forth several times before my tongue darts out to trace across the seam. His chest vibrates with a low throaty rumble, and in a flash, I’m on my side, his fingers threaded through my hair and his mouth covering mine. His tongue slides inside, giving me no choice but to release all control. My thigh goes around his, using all my strength to pull him flush so our bodies are tangled together. He groans his approval, deepening the kiss as his tongue explores with an urgency that makes my body ignite. Blood scorches through my veins, and I lose myself, pouring everything I have back into him.

One of my hands slips free from between us, and I slide it around his neck, clutching his scalp. There’s another sound from deep in his chest as his tongue curls around mine, and at the same time his hand begins caressing the back of my head.

My skin tingles, my heart thunders, and my lungs burn, screaming for oxygen. I arch into him, separating our mouths enough to suck in a breath, and then crush my lips back to his. The memory I’ve held on to for all these years all but disappears. What we shared back then is nothing compared to this moment. The heat from his skin seeps into mine, and I grind my hips into his, feeling his length pulsing against my thigh. A rush of empowerment comes over me, and I moan into his mouth while rocking into him.