I grab my keys, wallet, and cell, bending for a quick kiss. “I’m headed out the back way. Call me if you need anything.”

“Sneaking away? All these women scare you?”

“Nope, but seeing as I have a dick, that’s not my scene.”

“Such a romantic way with words,” she teases.

“Tonight, I’ll show you romance.”

“Love you, Achilles.”

“I’ll remember that when your mouth is wrapped around my cock finishing what you started.”

A heated flush splotches her chest, making its way up her neck and face. The blue of her eyes lightens right before they drop to my waist.

My dick stirs and I adjust myself, trying to stop a full hard on. “Swear to God, Harley, I’ll tackle you on that bed if you don’t stop staring at me like that.”

“You better go before I let you tackle me.”

“Go plan our wedding while I transfer your shit to storage and make this move official.”

“Okay, Achilles. Suck you… oops,” she giggles, “I mean see you later.”

This fucking woman is going to be the end of me.


Thank you for being my friend.

Thank you for being the best, most wonderful, most loyal friend in my life.

Thank you for letting me know the incredible person you are hiding from the rest of the world.

Thank you for not embarrassing me that first day when I declared we were friends, and you weren’t getting rid of me.

There are a thousand little things to thank you for, but last, I’ll say thank you for being such a good man.

All my love,


The words are on replay in my brain, making it impossible to beat back the memories of those first few weeks of boot camp.

When Harley handed the letter to me earlier, claiming she was incorporating these words into her vows, my chest seized. I’d kept the letter for a reason, and by the state of it, you could tell I read it frequently my first year.

Then I tucked it away, almost forgetting about it until today, when she found it in the box of mementos.

The door behind me opens, and I twist to find Harley wrapped in one of her ridiculous fuzzy blankets. She cuddles to my side, folding her arms and the blanket around my waist. “Thought for sure you’d be worn out and sleeping off a few bottles of champagne.”

She jabs my gut. “I didn’t drink that much. And I felt you get out of bed.”

“Sorry about that.”

“You okay?”


“Why are you standing in the freezing cold at one a.m., staring into the darkness?”


She jerks at my answer, her expression growing thoughtful. “Reflecting? You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fucking perfect.”

“Then why so serious?”

“Not serious. That letter you found today brought up a lot of old memories.”

“Good memories?”

“Most of them. It is a reminder of why I was pushing so hard, crushing expectations, and delivering results. That letter and the words inside are the reason I am standing here with you. On the same day you planned our wedding. All of it started when that sixteen-year-old firecracker walked up to me and gave me a shot at beauty for the first time in my life.”

She sighs wistfully, squeezing tighter. “It’s ironic I found it today. I’d like to think it’s fate.”

I kiss her forehead and shift her to my front. The scent of her lotion fills the air and I inhale deep, enjoying the tranquility. She holds tight, giving me what I need.

After a few minutes, she breaks the silence. “Are you allowed to marry in your uniform?”

“You don’t want me in a tux?”

“Your time in the Marines has been a huge part of our story. Considering Talon, Ford, and Major are standing up with you, and if they can wear their uniforms, too, it will mean a lot.”

“Then that’s what we’ll wear.”

“I didn’t even ask you earlier. Did you have a nice day with the guys?”

“Yeah, obviously not as much fun as you.”

“Those women are crazy. But a totally cool and awesome kind of crazy.”

As suspected, when Robbie, Finn, and I returned to the house late afternoon, there was a party in full swing. Harley explained once all the major decisions were made and her fitting was done, it was time to celebrate.

Talon, Major, and Ford came home shortly after and joined the festivities. Rowan, Ginger, and Jewls crashed in one of the guest rooms. It was late when I finally got Harley to myself.

I learned that a tipsy and happy Harley loves to play dirty.

She tilts to face me. “I know it’s pitch dark, but can you picture our wedding out here?”

“I can.” Honestly, I didn’t know what these women would do with the back of the property. But after seeing the sketches they came up with, it all makes sense. “There’s one large flaw in your planning.”

Her eyebrows shoot up, and she purses her lips worriedly. “What is it?”

“With three open bars, there is no question some of our friends will end up ass over feet in the pool.”