He may have a tough exterior, but it’s easy to see he’s concerned about Harley.

When word got out about our injuries, Tom was one of the first people to show at our house. Since it was Christmas Eve, Harley forced Jewls to go visit her parents and keep her original plans. Tom and Rich didn’t want Jewls driving in her state of mind and going on no sleep. They planned to meet Jewls’ parents at the state line, Tom following behind Jewls and Rich in her car.

He then came back and sat with the family while they arranged their trip to Costa Rica. The night of our homecoming, he stopped in to confirm for himself we were all okay.

Harley refers to him as a moody, gruff, irritable man with a heart of gold. I’m getting her point.

“I’ll take care of her.”

“Good. Customers love that bubbly bullshit, but I’m on the verge of tearing my hair out.” He looks across the group of us. “It’s about time all four of you get your asses back here. Figures it’s ladies’ night.”

“Why come for the ladies when we have your charming personality?” Talon harasses him.

“Screw you.” His gaze lands on Major and grows thoughtful. “You good?”

“Yep, start desk duty next week.”

“You too?” He points to me.


His face grows serious, his eyes working through something before he speaks. “My older sister got engaged to her high school sweetheart at twenty-one. She was in college, he was in the Navy. A month after he proposed, enemy fire killed him. I was there the day his parents called. I was at her side at the funeral, and I’ve been there every day after. Anything she’s ever needed, no questions asked. Took her years to move on, and she found a great guy to marry, but he never filled that hole. Not sure I can comprehend that level of loss. Then, a few weeks ago, déjà vu soaked me to the bones. Being in law enforcement is no cakewalk, not even close. But this old man can’t live to see that level of loss again, no matter how strong our Harley is.”

Jesus. Fuck. That’s the most the man has said at one time ever. And he lays the heavy shit out there. The message isn’t lost. He’s aware of our meeting today. “I’d like to talk to Harley first before the news gets around.”

“Respect. Drinks on me tonight—for all of you. Especially when you get that bubbling babble-head to calm herself.”

He hustles away without another word, barely avoiding taking out a passing waitress that yelps. He glowers at her as she shoves him aside without a care of his disdain.

“Oh, shit, incoming.”

I hear Ford’s warning in time to catch a full glimpse of Harley before she slams into me, leaping into my arms. Her torn jeans are skin-tight, hugging her everywhere. The Tom’s shirt tied tight under her tits shows skin and the edge of her tattoo snaking out of the hem.

“You’re here,” she breathes out like I’ve been gone for days.

“Babe, told you we would be.”

“It’s been hours since you called. Is everything alright?”

“All good.” Talon steals a kiss on her cheek. “See you at the bar.”

She wriggles to get down, but I hitch her higher. “Let’s talk in Tom’s office?”

“Oh, dear God, do we need an office? You’re going back, aren’t you? Those people won’t let you go. You’re in for life, every month a drill, every day a chance to be called back. We can’t have a wedding because you can’t plan. I’ll have children alone in a hospital because you’ll be saving lives in foreign territories…” She rambles on with improbable jabber, demonstrating what Tom was referring to. I start toward his office.

When we get there, I realize she hasn’t taken a breath. I shift my hold, lacing a hand in her hair and bringing her mouth to mine.

“Breathe and calm down.”

She inhales deep, her eyes wide and filled with worry. “Sorry, I’ve been a little wound up.”


She takes another deep breath, grips my neck, and exhales. “Okay, sock it to me. How’d it go?”

“It went as we knew it would go.”

“And those people agreed with your decision?”

“Harley, those people are Marines, same as me.”

“I pictured you sitting in front of a panel of suits, and they’d disagree with your decision.”

“We talked about your imagination running wild. Plus, you’ve met Willie.”

“Couldn’t help it. Tell me what happened.”

“We went and had a beer. Willie and the others weren’t surprised and understood. Knew this was coming. Major and I won’t be released for any type of action for a while. The process is extensive before being sent on our missions. We’ve amended our original arrangement. No more missions. We’re still in the Reserves, but now, we’re moving to less active roles.”

Her mouth splits into a celebratory grin. “Told you they wouldn’t let you go. You men are too valuable.”