“Give it to me, Harley.” His thumb circles my clit and I come apart.

In a flash, he knifes up, cocooning me between his hard body and knees, his face coming to mine. “My girl was needy.”

“Not fair,” I rasp out hoarsely.

“Baby, you want to be a badass and own the control, you gotta be able to take my dick for more than a few minutes.”

“It’s not my fault. You went off to play G.I. Joe. It’s been too long.”

His lips twitch with amusement. “That’s why I jacked my junk to the image of you in that nightie before coming to bed. Knew I wouldn’t be able to last.”

“Now, that’s really not fair.”

“Had to take matters into my own hand, literally. What’d you expect with that get-up?”

“I thought it would last through one use.” The silky material now lies somewhere in tatters.

“Appreciate the effort.”

“Apparently, I suck at the provocative part of seduction.”

“No, baby, like everything else, you’re a natural.” He drives upward, gaining a moan of appreciation. “It’s hot watching you come apart and using my dick to get the edge off.”

“Don’t be cocky.”

“It’s true.”

“It’s still crass.” I wiggle a little to get loose.

All movement stops when his fingers twist around my nipples. I bite my cheek to keep from purring.

“You wanted control, take it now.”

I use his shoulders as leverage, rising and slamming back down.

“Fuck yes.” His mouth goes to my chest, licking around my breast before sucking the nipple roughly.

My stomach pitches, and the uncontrollable need to have him returns. I angle my hips and drive back and forth, clenching with each stroke. His face raises to mine, and I fight to breathe. Unmistakable savage power is written all over. He heaves up, driving so deep I cry out.

Over and over, he hammers me from the bottom while I hold on and meet him stroke for stroke. We both move in sync.

The sound of our bodies slapping and heavy breathing fill the room, and my brain fires off warnings.


“Get there, Harley,” he grinds out through gritted teeth.

I refuse to come without him this time. My lower body tenses, my inner muscles clenching as hard as possible. I move on him frantically, knowing what’s coming.

“Jesus, fucking aaaahhhh—” He drills me harder.

A frenzied force hits hard, and I call out his name. My body takes flight, shattering as fierce waves of pleasure roll through me.

He doesn’t let up fucking me until he lets out a roar. I barely hear him over the ringing in my ears. His cock convulses, inciting another orgasm from me. Through it all, he never stops moving.

His gentle caress on my clit has me wheezing. Ecstasy rushes through my veins, threatening to drown me.

His mouth goes to my ear. “Give me another one.”

I thrash against him, holding on for dear life, unsure I can take anymore. “Can’t.” The ragged and hoarse word is almost like a plea for mercy.

He continues to drive into me, his thumb brushing between my clit and where we’re connected. Electric heat races up my spine, and I grow dizzy.

His dick jerks, and I fly apart again, melting into him and moaning incoherently.

His lips trail down the column of my neck, both our hearts racing together. He removes his hand from between us and takes my left hand. His fingers circle my ring, pulling our hands to his chest.

“Seems like I have a lot of lost time to make up for.” His voice is laced with smugness.

My last bit of energy is used to clench around him. He goes rigid, hissing his reaction.

“Shit, baby.” His knees drop, placing me back on the bed and kneeling above.

My pulse races again at the smoldering shade of amber in his gaze. A renewed sense of verve stirs in my system. His eyes go to my chest, and it’s impossible to miss the glint of satisfaction.

“You marked me, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” He traces over the area around my nipple. “Fucking beautiful.”

“I just had mind-blowing sex with a complete Neanderthal.”

“You’ll get used to it.” He grins slyly, not caring in the slightest.



Tom’s the first person I spot when we walk in. His arms crossed, legs planted firm, and wearing his signature scowl. “I’ve been waiting for you to get here,” he belts out, and my eyes fly to the bar.

Harley and Jewls are busy, but nothing they can’t handle, and the clientele is mostly women.

“What’s the problem?”

“Your woman’s a mess. Came in here today hyped to the max. Won’t shut up. Jewls said it’s some kind of nervous energy, worried about you. She’s driving me fucking nuts.”

“I’ll talk to her.”

“You better. I agreed to a monthly ladies’ night. Now’s she’s pushing for nightly drink specials, more theme nights, and mentioned booking some local rock band. Apparently, her new fancy job has her hobnobbing with the rich and famous. She ain’t turning my blue bar into a millennial hotspot. Snap her into shape. Shut down this crazy talk.”