“Marry me, Harley.” He kisses along my knuckles.

Words escape me as I stare at the exquisite ring that may never leave my finger.


I throw myself forward, tackling him back on the bed.

His grunt turns to a groan when my mouth crashes to his. My tongue plunders around clumsily, wanting to taste and touch everywhere I can. His fingers thread through my hair, angling my head and taking over.

Our tongues swirl together, finding a rhythm.

I kiss him with everything I have, growing lightheaded as the reality of the situation settles deep inside. Emotions bubble to the surface, tears threatening to fall. I push them back and frame his face, soaking in the way he kisses me greedily.

His hips grind into mine, the hard, thick length fitting perfectly between my legs. I moan down his throat, pressing down.

My brain screams for oxygen, and warning bells go off when his hands slip into my waistband, cupping my ass.

“Sweetie, we can’t.” I break away, regretting my words. His eyes are now smoldering with hunger and lust, sending a tingling all the way to my core.

“Fuck the doctor’s orders.”

“It’s only one more day.”

He frowns but doesn’t argue. “Is that your way of saying yes?”

“You didn’t ask a question.”

“Marry me,” he repeats.

“As a matter-of-fact, since the day you showed up at my yoga studio all those months ago, announcing you were taking me to lunch, you don’t ask many questions when it comes to your plans.”

“I’m decisive when it comes to you.” His smirk melts my insides.

“Yes,” I breathe out.

His smile radiates as bright as the ring now resting against his cheek.

“Now, that’s something to celebrate.”

I forgot about the house full of people down the hall ready to celebrate homecomings and holidays.

“They already know.” He reads my thoughts.

“They do? How?”

“Had the ring a while now. Since before we were called away. Jewls gave her approval.”

“Of course, she did. It’s the most perfect ring in the history of rings.”

“Glad you like it.”

Something hits me. “Wait, is this why you’ve been in such a bad mood?”

“One reason. I wanted to get home and get it on your finger. But that hospital was boring as fuck.”

I giggle, sitting up and flashing my hand in the air.

“Baby, you straddling my dick is not helping my condition.”

I wiggle purposely, smiling at him. “You’ll live.”

He glances at his wrist. “You’re right, because in about eight hours, I’ll be buried deep in your pussy with you wearing my ring.”

My body does an all-over shiver, and I refrain from commenting on how barbaric he sounds.

“We’re engaged.”

“Yeah, and I’m guessing there are about twenty people outside that door waiting to hear the news.”

I bend in for a quick kiss and roll off of him. He stands, adjusting the bulge in his pants. “Give me a second.” He goes to the back door and hauls in our bags, then takes my hand, pulling me to his side to guide us to the living room.

Celia is the first person to spot us, her gaze dropping to our joined hands. Her face splits into a wide smile, and she lets out a cry of happiness. The entire room erupts and we’re surrounded.

Achilles kisses the side of my head and gets away from the swarm of women.

At some point, Pete and Dad step in to steal a quick hug, but otherwise, it’s a huddle of women gabbing over rings and wedding stories. Now that the families are assured the men are okay, the attention rains down on me.

“I totally approved that ring,” Jewls announces proudly as if she picked it out herself. “Personally, I couldn’t believe the big oaf had taste.”


“Then again, he finally got off his ass and made a move on you, so he has some sense,” she covers.

“He’s been in love with Harley since he was a teenager. This is like a real-life fairy tale,” Sandy states wistfully.

“That damn husband of mine, he should have kept his mouth shut and we could have had grandbabies by now.” Mom drops that tidbit without even blinking.

My eyes pop, and I search for Achilles across the room.

‘Babies,’ I mouth, and his lips curl up.

The door opens, and Mike strolls in carrying a spray of holiday flowers and a case of beer. I slip through and go straight into his waiting arms.

“Heard there was a homecoming celebration. Hope you don’t mind my crashing.”

“I’m glad you’re here.”

His gaze travels over my shoulder. “Hey, man, damn good to see you.”

I edge into Achilles while they shake hands. “Good to be home.”

“Harley, goes without saying, due to the circumstances, we can push back your official start date and give you more time here.”

This is not a surprise; I suspected Mike would offer. It’s not because we’re family, either. He’s that thoughtful, and it bleeds into his professional decisions. It was obvious when I called him from Coast Rica to fill him in on the guys’ recovery, he was pushing me to take all the time I needed.